Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Discuss the main features of Austrian government, politics and Essay
Talk about the primary highlights of Austrian government, legislative issues and parliamentary majority rules system today - Essay Example Presently, Austria passed a law proclaiming unending impartiality and a prohibition on entering any military collusions or permitting outside army installations on Austrian domain. In its job as a nonpartisan state, Austria saw itself as an extension between the East and West during the Cold War and facilitated various United Nations offices and global associations in Vienna. Regardless of its political lack of bias, be that as it may, Austria remained firmly lined up with western vote based systems both socially and ideologically. In a June, 1994 choice, 66% of Austrians exhibited their kindness for EU participation, which prompted the marking of the Treaty of Accession of Austria to the EU on June 24, 1994. This Treaty accordingly went into power, and Austria turned into an individual from the EU on January 1, 1995. By and by, Austria is one of the wealthiest EU Members. Over 60% of the country's imports and fares originate from or go to other EU nations, rendering the country's economy to a great extent reliant on the EU. At present, Austria is one of eleven EU Member States that has embraced the Euro and, subsequently, it has executed a financial arrangement as per European Monetary Union necessities. Customarily, Austria's economy worked as a corporatist arrangement of 'social organization' between government, industry, work, and farming. In the 1980s, in any case, the administration's job started to melt away because of the privatization of numerous ventures once in the past under state possession. The ad ministrations division rules the economy, and the travel industry creates around 15% of the country's capital. Over 9% of Austria's populace is considered remote, with networks of ethnic Magyars and Croats living in the territory of Burgenland and Slovenes in Carinthia. By the by, 98% percent of Austrians communicate in German.30 In 1996, in excess of 700,000 outsider specialists were enrolled in Austria, and an obscure number of illicit migrants and displaced people by and by dwell there. AUSTRIA'S POLITICAL SYSTEM has been a model of dependability since vote based system was reestablished in 1945. As opposed to the interwar period, when local political contentions and outside mediation brought the arrangement of government set out by the constitution of 1920 to a stop, after World War II this restored parliamentary popular government worked easily in what came to be named the Second Republic. On occasion, Austria's political framework appeared to be impenetrable to change, however by the center of the 1980s, it had become certain that broad social and financial patterns were starting to influence the nation's governmental issues. Austria is a parliamentary spoken to popular government involving nine administrative states and is one of six European nations that have proclaimed lasting nonpartisanship (An impartial nation takes no side in a war between different gatherings, and consequently would like to abstain from being assaulted by both of them. A neutralist strategy focuses on lack of bias if there should arise an occurrence of a furnished clash that could include the gathering being referred to. A neutralist is a promoter of lack of bias in worldwide undertakings) and one of only a handful hardly any nations that remembers the idea of everlasting impartiality for its constitution. Austria has been an individual from the United Nations since 1955 and joined the European Union in 1995. At the point when Austria joined the EU in 1995 a choice must be held in light of the fact that the increase was qualified as a basic change
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Commodity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Product - Essay Example Since 2007, as per Park (p8), milk costs have been on the decrease, which has been an invite improvement for milk customers yet an awful sign for the economy and an alert sign for a potential lull. Costs began going down during the 2002-03 and 2009 downturns, however later went up in 2001, 2004, 2007, and a year ago. Be that as it may, as of late, the costs of milk have been gradually and bit by bit declining since showing up at a recorded top in September 2011, going down to about 4% at the retail level and practically 25% recently at the distributer level (Park 9). Right now, the cost of one gallon of milk is $3.86, which is still high by authentic gauges, yet they will go down as the interest additionally goes down (Catlette and Hadden, 261). Among March and April 2012, the milk future agreement has gone up by 6%, however it is relied upon to go down as a result of a milk cow head that s bigger than anticipated. A household economy that is drowsy isn't in every case useful at milk costs, so the continuous decay of the cost from 2007 to date is an admonition sign that the national economy is in peril. Presently, milk items sends out are assessed at 13% of creation (Catlette and Hadden, 262), implying that the low costs might be allocate of a decreased interest for milk and its items n the worldwide market. Regardless of the development of the worldwide market for the utilization of milk and its items, it has kept on becoming both as far as the retail volume and as far as its incentive from 2007 to date. Milk utilization rose in developing markets, offering backing to overall volumes, as progressively well off buyers moved from devouring natural milk to one that is handled, including milk items. Meanwhile, the development continuously retail esteem that is more grounded has ascended from a blend of greater expenses of creating milk and an expansion popular for milk
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Nothing is perfect and it doesnt matter
Nothing is perfect and it doesnt matter I rolled out of bed at 8:30am last Friday and raced to Pappalardo. 01 Pappalardo is a gigantic course 2 lab/workshop that fills the bottom of building 3. Its also where a lot of course 2s live when they take 2.009 in the fall. The persistent stings of the metal cuts and scratches littering my hands fueled my trek to campus. Today was the last chance I had to work on and impound my robot. It didnt work. It could get a whole 7 points. I dont care. Sure it was a bummer, but the fundamental problems with my robot, Flipstream, were too extensive to fix in time. It didnt matter though. 2.007 was a trial by fire in the art of making. We were on our own, and had just a few months to throw together an FTC-sized robot. 02 16 in cube/12 lbs were our constraints. my robot was juuuust under 16 in long. I had one desire: to make something that looked cool enough so that I didnt care about how it performed. And Flipstream, adorned with ~stylish~ foam-core blinders, haphazardly placed electronics, and drive belts galore all with a sleek, low-profile silhouette fit the bill. 03 Just mentioning that the pappalardo lab staff were supportive as heck. I impounded my robot and left Pappalardo at about 3:45pm. Underneath my exhausted mess of a face, I was relieved and proud of what Id spent hundreds of hours building and thinking about. Only then did I realize that the only thing I ate that day was a cup of vanilla greek yogurt. Haha and you thought the day was over Three hours ahead of me lay the first-ever Next Sing 04 A hybrid acapella and instrumental singing group within Next House! Our main goal for the group was for it to be super chill and low commitment. concert. What started as essentially a shower thought by Cynthia L. 20 ended up becoming an actual thing. Like, for lack of a better term, W T F In the beginning, I hardly realized what she roped me into being co-president for. I went to a sound check at 4:30ish for the song I actually led and put together, 05 If youre curious, the song was Cinderella Syndrome by YUCe, an artist you should probably only know if you play rhythm games on a semi-regular basis. my head still a mess from robot.mp4, 06 I actually had to head to campus and back to finish and turn in my 2.007 notebook by 5:00... I got back to Next around 5:45 and missed another sound check... oops and I saw lights set up, rows of soon-to-be-filled chairs, and a work in progress sound system and then basically I thought oh wait this is actually happening. I spent the 45 minutes I ended up having prior to the concert in my room both attempting to iron stuff on a chair, 07 This was not the first time Ive done this, and it still was super frustrating. and attempting to rid myself of this nervous anticipation that filled my mind. 6:45 came around, and I raced down stairs where 5 billion things assaulted me all at once. I mean I came into this knowing that it was our first concert, but itd be hard to list all the concert-related things that were organized 15 minutes prior. 08 Like Cynthias throat almost died right before the concert, and she was supposed to MC, so I had to emergency cover for that. And yet the concert started and, guess what, once again, I didnt care. I just wanted to have fun. Sure there were a number of issues (rip yellow mic you let us all down at the worst time), but I didnt let that bother me. I havent performed in front of a crowd in over a year, and Ive never done a hybrid MC/Skit/singing thing like this ever, so I just let myself loose and had fun with it. 09 Nothing matches the experience of being heckled by a crowd you know well. This semester, labs, projects, and extracurriculars supplanted the normal MIT drudgery of psets, 9am lectures, and constant midterms. Ive made new friends, and Im happy with these two big things Ive made this semester. Its been a huge mental struggle, but I feel like Ive learned a lot about myself and the people around me. Nothing was perfect, nothing can ever be perfect, but that doesnt mean I wasnt satisfied. Now about that one final I have in a few weeks Post Tagged #2.007 #course 2 #guest post #next sing #tommy a. Pappalardo is a gigantic course 2 lab/workshop that fills the bottom of building 3. It's also where a lot of course 2s live when they take 2.009 in the fall. back to text ? 16 in cube/12 lbs were our constraints. my robot was juuuust under 16 in long. back to text ? Just mentioning that the pappalardo lab staff were supportive as heck. back to text ? A hybrid acapella and instrumental singing group within Next House! Our main goal for the group was for it to be super chill and low commitment. back to text ? If you're curious, the song was Cinderella Syndrome by YUC'e, an artist you should probably only know if you play rhythm games on a semi-regular basis. back to text ? I actually had to head to campus and back to finish and turn in my 2.007 notebook by '5:00'... I got back to Next around 5:45 and missed another sound check... oops back to text ? This was not the first time I've done this, and it still was super frustrating. back to text ? Like Cynthia's throat almost died right before the concert, and she was supposed to MC, so I had to emergency cover for that. back to text ? Nothing matches the experience of being heckled by a crowd you know well. back to text ?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Violence And Sexual Abuse At The Health Care Agencies
Violence is defined as: â€Å"The use of physical force intended to hurt, to kill someone or something, to damage or to harm someone†. It is a major public health and human rights problem that often goes unrecognized and unreported. It is a common source of physical, psychological, and emotional morbidity that occurs in all communities, regardless of social, economic, religious, or cultural group. There are different types of violence and abuse such as homicide, school violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual abuse etc.†¦ but this presentation will mostly emphasize on women violence, especially on intimate partner violence. Although women can be violent in relationship with men, the overwhelming burden of partner violence is considered by women at the hands of men. Violence against women becomes a growing problem accepted as a normal behavior. As part of the community, nurses play a major role in assessing women suffering some type of vi olence when visiting the health care agencies as they come in contact with violence and sexual abuse no matter what health care setting they work in. This topic will mostly describe the characteristics of intimate partner violence, the risk factors, the screening process and the necessary interventions to reduce morbidity and mortality it in our communities. Because nurses are considered to be trustworthy and sensitive about very personal subjects, women often feel comfortable confiding in them and discussingShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse And Child Maltreatment918 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many types and faces of child abuse and child maltreatment in the world today that go unknown. This leaves many of our children unprotected to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and neglect by parents. The problem is how are dealing with the violence against children inside and outside the home and with their family. Physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect are types of abuse, which I and have a deep concern. Too many of our children today are been abused, neglected, and killedRead MoreDomestic Violence Intervention Project : Ellen Pence1543 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Ellen Pence, also known as the â€Å"mother of domestic violence intervention†and â€Å"rockstar of the battered women’s movement†was a social activist for battered women, helped build the foundation of batterer programming with the Duluth model (also known as the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP)), which assisted in connecting the concerns of criminal justice officials and advocates by developing a â€Å"Power and Control Wheel†(Gondolf, 2010, p. 992). She also created the CoordinatedRead Moredomestic violence act in Uk1627 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Domestic Violence Act in UK Domestic can be defined in many ways but the simplest meaning is ‘involving the home or family’ whereas violence means an ‘act of aggression as one against a person who resist’. In addition, violence does not relate to relationship problem or issue but is social context of reflection of a man overruling woman. It happens to all walks of people in life despite of age, sex, race, assets and cartography. Notwithstanding, scoop by both male and female endure hurts duringRead MoreSexual Abuse Agains the Elderly1557 Words  | 7 PagesElder Abuse, 2014). Men and women today are living longer and want to remain in their own homes as long as they possibly can, rather than reside in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. In order for these men and women to remain at home, they need support and resources, as there are a number of different types of abuse against elderly men and women. These types of abuse including physical abuse, verbal/emotional abuse, fi nancial exploitation, and even the rare occasion of sexual abuse thatRead MoreAll Agencies Essay1117 Words  | 5 PagesSummer List on All Agencies Anna’s House is a services women who have been abused mentally, physically, or emotionally, or loss of employment, or severe financial challenges. They provide supportive service, shelters, transitional shelter, and emergency shelter for family that don’t have shelter (all gender accepted) To be able to receive services from Anna’s House patient must be referred by SARC (Sexual Assault Spouse Abuse Resort Center) or by the Harford Community Action Agency). Family and ChildrenRead MoreThe Domestic Violence Act 1995 Essay1499 Words  | 6 Pagesin 4 woman will experience a form of intimate partner violence (IPV) throughout the course of their relationships (New Zealand Family Violence Clearhouse, 2015). The Domestic Violence Act 1995 (2014) defines violence in this instance as physical , sexual and psychological abuse. This abuse has a myriad of health consequences on all members of the whÄ nau, including children who witness or are subjected to this violence. The primary health care (PHC) nurse has a range of responsibilities in these contextsRead MoreWhat Are Elder Abuse?896 Words  | 4 Pages1. What is elder abuse? Elder abuse is an act or a lack of action that results in harm, physical pain, impairement or loss in an older person. Abuse can take many forms such as withholding food, water, care, medication and shelter, isolating and restraining the elderly without medical reasons, it can also be intentional or unintentional neglect. 2. What are the recognized types of elder abuse? a. Physical abuse – use of intentional force that cause pain, injury or impairement in the elderly. ItRead MoreRape Crisis Centers For Women1704 Words  | 7 Pagesfor women who have been sexually abused or raped. Some survivors of rape and sexual abuse require the assistance of rape crisis centers to try and gain back control of their lives. Some women may require long-term counseling as a result whereas others do no. Whichever the case, with such a high number of survivors, the help must remain readily available. Rape and sexual abuse is a horrible act of violence, yet, it remains a taboo and the voices of those survivors aren’t heard by everyoneRead MoreFamily Violence : A Serious Social Problem Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesFamily violence is a serious social problem that affects many families around the world. It is defined by the University of Michigan as situation that occurs â€Å"when a person uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or economic abuse to control another partner in a relationship†(â€Å"Understanding Abuse†). This includes any kind of behaviour that might make the other person feel scared, threatened and fearful for their safety. AccordingRead MoreRape And Sexual Violence And Assault And Its Survivors Essay1192 Words  | 5 Pageswith focus on rape and sexual violence/assault and its survivors. Extensive literature search was conducted on relevant concepts that include the definition of rape, sexual violence and assault, consequences of rape and sexual violence/assault, provision of health services. The search looked at developed and developing countries as well as war stricken settings. Therefore, the aim was to understand the burden of rape and sexual violence, its consequences and provision of health services for survivors
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Judith Butlers Perception of the Female in the Modern...
Perception of the Female in the Modern Era: Gender Identity and the Act of Becoming in Cindy Shermans History Portraits Introduction There is some disparity between the way critics and philosophers like Judith Butler view Cindy Shermans work and the way that Cindy Sherman speaks of her photographs. It may be the disparity that exists between many modern artists, who often operate on an intuitive level, and the philosopher critics who comment upon them from a theoretical perspective or a pre-established framework. On one level, Cindy Sherman may only be playing dress-up (as she herself admits) in her famous History Portraits (1989-90) (Berne, 2003). On another level, however, her dressing-up may be indicative of a deeper problem in modern gender identity theory which is the problem of becoming woman (Butler, 1994) or, as Judith Butler sees it, the problem of performativity. In the History Portraits, Sherman may certainly be said to be performing and perhaps even attempting to become the male and female characters she represents in her work. Indeed, it is upon such a premise that philosopher critics and gender theor ists find her work so engaging. This paper will examine Cindy Sherman and her History Portraits in relation to Judith Butlers gender theory, the portrayal of the self, and how gender identity has changed throughout the course of modern history. It will examine representations of womanhood from Romantic Idealism to Post-Modernism and will also
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-Eight Free Essays
â€Å"Oh,†I said lamely, stepping aside so that he could enter. â€Å"I thought you were someone else.†â€Å"Someone in a velvet dress shrieking at the top of her lungs?†he asked. We will write a custom essay sample on Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-Eight or any similar topic only for you Order Now He moved past me in that graceful way of his, and I noticed he was careful to keep a healthy distance between us without being asked, as though he suspected my aversion to touch. â€Å"Something like that.†I shut the door. He shrugged and immediately found the room’s wine. â€Å"She won’t bother you anymore,†he said, pouring a cup. â€Å"I’m sending her away.†â€Å"Yeah, she told me. You know, I feel kind of bad for her.†â€Å"Stop,†he ordered. â€Å"She’s none of your concern. She should have had no expectations about her relationship with me.†â€Å"Yeah, well, she kind of did.†â€Å"Again, one angry person is none of your concern-not with everything else going on.†I grimaced. â€Å"I suppose not, though it sure seems like a lot of people are angry at me-oh. God. I nearly forgot. Do you have Volusian?†Dorian was setting his sword and cloak down. He didn’t look happy at the reference. â€Å"Yes†¦I enslaved him to me.†â€Å"Can I†¦can I have him back?†He eyed me. â€Å"Are you sure that’s what you want? It’d be better if we banished him together.†I hesitated, recalling Volusian’s hands on my throat and knowing what would happen if I ever lost control again. I wouldn’t, though. I would stay strong, and I needed him for what was to come. â€Å"Yes,†I said firmly. â€Å"I want him back.†Dorian shrugged. â€Å"Then I’ll summon him later. Let’s not ruin the moment just yet. He’s quite depressing, you know.†Dorian strolled toward the window and bent over, picking up the dress I’d dropped. â€Å"This is lovely.†â€Å"I was going to put it on, but†¦but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I swallowed and nodded toward the window. â€Å"There’s a, um, army out there.†He neatly laid the dress on the chair and glanced out the window. â€Å"Yes. Yes, there is. Yours and mine. Well, part of them.†â€Å"I can’t believe this happened.†â€Å"Hiding from them won’t make them go away.†â€Å"I kind of hoped it would.†He said nothing but gave me an expectant look. Something about it drew me out, and steeling myself up, I approached the window again, staring out at the wide, sandy stretch in the back of the castle. There were so many more than I’d expected-and this was only allegedly a portion of the soldiers that would be fighting Katrice. My small army in their mismatched attire stood in formation on one side. Dorian’s â€Å"reserves†stood beside them, much more sharply dressed in deep green shirts under their leather armor and golden oak emblems. So many†¦and again, still not the whole force. More of his soldiers would join up, and then my numbers would grow when the call went out throughout the land when I went to Highmore-if I went there. â€Å"All of this,†I murmured, â€Å"all of this because of a chain of decisions. Me refusing Leith, him kidnapping me, you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I couldn’t finish the words, but Dorian and I both knew what I’d been about to say. â€Å"Do you regret it?†he asked. â€Å"What I did?†He sounded as cool and confident as ever, but I could have sworn there was a tiny note of fear in his voice-fear that he’d done something I hadn’t wanted. Kiyo’s words about how I would regret all this came back to me, and I kept wondering if it was really worth it, all these men and women who might die†¦for what? For my honor? My revenge? I could still respond to Katrice’s message, tell her I’d marry her nephew and make peace†¦. A knot formed in my stomach, and I knew that wasn’t an option. I could never be with anyone in that family, not without thinking of Leith, of his hands and his body. I could never let her or anyone else think I or my people could be pushed around. After all, Leith hadn’t just taken advantage of me. Those girls had suffered too. I was the protector of my people. I was the Thorn Queen and the Thorn Land both. An image of Dorian running his sword through Leith returned to my mind. Probably I should have found it gruesome. Instead, it brought me†¦peace. â€Å"No.†I turned and looked straight into Dorian’s eyes. â€Å"I don’t regret it. I†¦I’m glad you did it.†My voice wavered a little. â€Å"I’m so glad you did it.†His face transformed somewhat, filled with a type of wonder. I think he’d grown so accustomed to my usual style, my human way of being rational and merciful†¦Well, I think he’d been long bracing himself for my wrath. My earlier suspicion about the worry in his voice had been correct. He’d probably expected a reaction similar to when he’d given me the Thorn Land. The look on his face made me flustered and confused. I turned back to the window and admitted, â€Å"But I†¦I’m scared. I don’t want to wage a war. I certainly don’t know how to.†Dorian came to stand beside me, still careful to maintain a buffer between us. â€Å"It’s in your blood,†he said. â€Å"Storm King was the greatest tactician in centuries.†â€Å"I’m not him. I don’t want to be like him.†A nasty voice spoke in my head: But you called yourself Storm Queen, according to Kiyo. â€Å"You can inherit his genius without his cruelty,†said Dorian. â€Å"I suppose, but still†¦I still don’t know what to do. Will you help me?†We turned to look at each other, and again, his face seemed to be lit from within. â€Å"Of course. You’re not the only one Katrice is after. I’m the one who killed the poor bastard, remember?†The light faded from his face a bit at the reference to Leith. He leaned toward me, eyes intense. â€Å"I’d do it a thousand times over, if I could. War or not.†That earnestness in voice, that fierceness-it sent a shiver down my spine. â€Å"You only say that because we haven’t gone to war yet. You don’t know what’s going to happen.†â€Å"Ah, Eugenie. I know. We will be victorious, you and me. We’re the strongest monarchs in this world. Katrice knows this but is blinded by her grief and rage. You and I will lead this army, and we will conquer the Rowan Land. We’ll split it between us, adding on to our own kingdoms†¦and from there, we can go anywhere. We could rule half this world together-all of this world-you and me. Kingdom after kingdom would fall to us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I stared him, almost caught up in his vision. The apprehension I’d been holding began to lift as I imagined us destroying her forces and me summoning up storms that made the world tremble. I laughed uneasily, alarmed at the way my thoughts had gone. â€Å"One kingdom’s enough,†I said, the human part of me bringing me back to earth. â€Å"You say that now, but I tell you, it’s in your blood.†He looked down at me intently, and those rapture-filled eyes seemed to be every shade of green and gold in the world. I fell into them. I felt beautiful in them. Like a goddess. â€Å"Eugenie, you’re going to be a warrior queen the likes of which no one has ever seen. Your name will live on when Storm King’s has faded to dust. You will lead your armies on-powerful, fearless, and beautiful. Katrice’s ‘war’ is but a skirmish you’ll stamp out underneath your boot.†I had a disorienting moment then, recalling a vision I’d had in the Underworld. My soul had been seeking Kiyo’s, but it was Dorian I’d seen in a dream-like state, with the two of us standing on a cliff before armies, both of us radiant and majestic. There’d been a baby in my arms and a crown on my head. I’d never told anyone about that. It had been a test, not a vision of the future. Trying to keep things light with Dorian, I asked, â€Å"And where will you be in all of this? Somehow I don’t think you’ll be lurking in the shadows.†â€Å"My sweet Eugenie,†he said, back to his flippant, gallant self, â€Å"there you go, always suspecting ulterior motives.†He straightened up, affecting a dignified air. â€Å"I, of course, shall be by your side.†I laughed. Dorian would always be Dorian. â€Å"Sharing in that glory and power, no doubt.†â€Å"A little, certainly.†His mirth vanished, and he grew serious once more. â€Å"But also there to keep you safe. Whatever battles you engage in, whether you choose to conquer this world or simply go back to exorcising ghosts†¦what happened with Leith will never, never happen again. Not while I live. I swear it. I will always keep you safe.†He moved forward but was still careful not to touch me. The vehemence in his voice was so strong, however, that it was practically tangible. â€Å"Always.†My smile was gone. I studied him for a long time and realized I believed him. Kiyo had failed me. Dorian would not. And I realized then that I’d been an idiot to keep trying to push Dorian away. Did I entirely trust his motives? No. I did trust him to protect me, though. I’d realized just before my capture that I loved both him and Kiyo, loved them just as my blood and soul were also split in two. The two halves of my nature would always war with each other. And right now, I didn’t need the cautious human half that would rationally seek peace. I needed the part of me that wasn’t afraid to unleash all the power I had, to charge forward with no restraints. I needed Dorian right now. It was his love that was going to allow me to be strong and unafraid of what was to come. Slowly, hesitantly, I reached out and caught hold of his hand. It was monumental. I think he knew it was, too. I hadn’t been able to stand anyone except my mother touching me these last couple of weeks. I certainly hadn’t been able to handle any man doing it. His eyes widened slightly at my contact, and I realized he was holding his breath, afraid for me. I held his hand, feeling its warmth and the long, smooth fingers. There was so much power in connecting with another person, in having physical closeness. With just as much care as I’d used to touch it, I moved his hand to rest on my hip and stepped forward. Dorian swallowed, and for the first time since I’d known him, he looked timid. â€Å"Eugenie-â€Å" I pressed a finger to his lips and then stood on tiptoe to kiss him. His mouth opened instantly to mine, warm and eager. I pushed myself closer to him, but when I put his other arm around me, he pulled back slightly. I could feel and see the desire all over him, but he shook his head. â€Å"No, no†¦it’s too soon†¦.†â€Å"I’m the one who says when it’s too soon.†I kissed him again, harder, and was surprised at how quickly the lust burned through my body. Despite what I’d just said, I had believed until this moment that I would never want another man. But being near Dorian, feeling that electricity and power crackle between us†¦it brought forth all the old desire I’d been fighting recently, the desire that had nearly made me give in to him in that little village, back when I’d still been committed to Kiyo†¦ But I had no such commitments now. He returned my kiss with equal intensity, his hands running along my hips. The passion was seizing him, he was starting to lose himself in it. Then, like before, some reasonable part of him slapped him to attention one more time. I think the world would have been shocked to know the Oak King had such a conscience. He broke away again, but this time, I didn’t let him speak. â€Å"Do you want my most recent time to be with him?†I demanded. â€Å"Do you want Leith to be the memory I carry with me of the last time I had sex?†My fingers moved to the buttons of my short-sleeved cotton shirt and unfastened them all. Catching hold of his hands, I brought them toward my chest, spreading the shirt apart and making him touch my breasts. I’d gone braless today, and his hands felt warm where they stroked my bare skin. â€Å"Make this my memory,†I said huskily, with a bit more command in my voice than I’d intended. â€Å"Make it good. Make this be what I think of when I think of sex. Finish what you started that day†¦.†His hands no longer needed my urging. He cupped my breasts, fingers dancing around my nipples. At the same time, he pushed me toward the bed, laying me out on my back. His mouth crushed me with its kiss, and then his lips moved down my neck and to my breasts, taking one of my nipples in his mouth. He sucked gently at first, tongue darting back and forth, but then his lips grew more urgent. His teeth nipped at me while his hands deftly slid my jeans off. After they were on the floor, he sat up a moment, surveying me and all the bare skin before him. Not having him touch me was agony, and I reached up, unfastening the bejeweled belt and his pants. He backed off the bed, standing up so that he could push his pants down the rest of the way. His shirt came off next, and then he stood there naked before me for my inspection, the perfect, marble god he’d been once before. Looking over the leanness of his muscles, how strong and hard he was, I felt my own body respond urgently. I’d complained to Kiyo before about foreplay, but right now, I wanted none with Dorian-though I had no doubt he would have given me hours of it, armies be damned. â€Å"Don’t wait,†I begged him as I pushed my panties down over my hips. â€Å"Don’t wait.†He caught hold of the panties and pulled them the rest of the way. I thought he’d join me on the bed, but instead he remained standing. He caught hold of my ankles and pulled me toward him until my ass just rested on the bed’s edge. Still holding my ankles, he brought my legs up so they were nearly straight in the air, almost leaning on his shoulders. Then he leaned forward and pushed into me, moaning at the warmth and wetness he found there. I threw my hands over my head, arching my body up and watching as he thrust back and forth. His eyes were on me too, taking in every part of me. There was something special about sex in the daylight, particularly with him standing over me like that so we could both fully see each other. There was no hiding. Everything was exposed. Vulnerable. It’s easy to feel insecure in such moments, but I didn’t, not with the way he looked at me, not with just lust-but with awe and adoration too. He buried himself in me over and over, hard and forceful without being painful. It was such a lifetime away from what had taken place at Art’s house that I realized nothing there could even be considered sex. Having Dorian in me felt good and right. My body was brimming with need, and he felt like fire where he moved between my thighs. That heat intensified within me, and I felt a spark of aching pleasure grow stronger and stronger, fueled with each thrust. I cried out, feeling my body on the verge of orgasm, and when it came, it was like an explosion of me, of the world†¦pure ecstasy and elation bursting from between my thighs to the tips of my fingers and toes. He set my legs back flat on the bed and then lay on top of me, never breaking stride. If anything, he pumped more forcefully, nearing his own climax. That glorious hair rained down on my face, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in the silken strands. His own arms wrapped around my body, encircling me like a cocoon as his hips moved harder and harder. Then, he exclaimed loudly, words that had no real form, and pressed his face against my neck as he came, his body spilling into mine. I held him close as he breathed heavily against my neck, his heart racing. Minutes passed, and his body finally calmed, though I continued to hold him. Finally, without breaking from my embrace, he lifted his head and brushed the hair from my face. â€Å"I told you, Eugenie. I told you the world would be reborn when we were together. It will be reborn, and we will conquer it all†¦.†I brushed his lips with my fingers. â€Å"Don’t get carried away. We’re just settling a grudge here.†The look in his eyes told me he believed a lot more would come of that, but he wisely said nothing. Rolling over, he settled beside me on the covers, and we both lay there, our fingers interlaced. â€Å"I suppose,†I said at last, â€Å"I should go talk to all those people out there, seeing as they’re going to risk their lives for my honor.†â€Å"It’s more than just your honor,†he said. â€Å"It’s the land’s too. You are the land, and when they see you, they will gladly fight for you.†I sat up, my eyes falling on the silk dress. â€Å"I guess I’ve got to play the part. Too bad there’s no crown.†Dorian sat up as well. â€Å"Isn’t there?†He walked over to the table he’d set his sword and cloak upon when entering. I’d been too distraught to notice at the time, but there was a small cloth-wrapped bundle there too. He brought it over to me, and I found myself holding my breath. I suddenly knew what it was, and I was afraid. â€Å"What’s wrong?†he asked when he held it out to me and I didn’t take it. â€Å"I†¦I had a dream†¦.†I couldn’t explain that vision from the Underworld to him, that one where we’d stood on the hill together. When we had, I’d accepted Storm King’s crown-or, well, a feminine version of it-and that’s when I’d found myself looking down upon all those soldiers waiting to fight for me. â€Å"What kind of dream?†â€Å"It’s hard to explain.†Not waiting for me, Dorian unwrapped the bundle himself. My heart lurched as I braced myself to see it again, an elaborate work of platinum, laden with diamonds and amethysts†¦ But it wasn’t. The crown he held was gold and very, very delicate. I hesitantly took it and studied the fine details of it. There were little roses etched into it-roses with lots of thorns. Tiny emeralds-nothing too overwhelming-were scattered amongst the golden leaves. It didn’t resemble Storm King’s crown at all. â€Å"This is Girard’s work,†I said with certainty. â€Å"It is,†Dorian agreed, running a finger down my bare arm. He seemed relieved that I had taken the crown. â€Å"You aren’t the only one who can commission projects.†â€Å"But he works for Katrice.†â€Å"Not anymore. Remember that day you met him? I told you then he was an opportunist. He’s rolled the dice and decided we’re the side to align with-which, of course, we are. He’ll come in very handy for weapons, I think.†My eyes were still on the crown and its beauty. I couldn’t explain how relieved I was that it was nothing like the crown from the vision. Hesitantly, I lifted it and rested it on top of my head. I looked to Dorian for confirmation. â€Å"What do you think?†He smiled, reaching out to straighten it and arrange my hair slightly. â€Å"Go see for yourself.†Climbing out of bed, I walked over to the full-length mirror and surveyed myself. I was still naked, all that pale skin contrasting with the red of my hair and the glitter of the crown. My hair didn’t have the blond that Jasmine’s did, but it had the occasional gold highlight, and the crown made those locks gleam as they rested just past my shoulders. The emeralds were subtle, not gaudy, but vivid enough to further set off my hair and eyes. â€Å"So what do you think?†Dorian asked. I glanced over at him, still sprawled on the bed and watching me with amusement. I turned back to the mirror, studying my naked, crowned self. I smiled. â€Å"I think it looks good on me.†How to cite Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-Eight, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effects of the Lgbt Community free essay sample
The Effects of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual Community on Friends and Family. When someone of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual community reveals their sexual orientation to someone who is close to them, those relationships tend to have both negative and positive effects. Many members of the LGBT community feel the need to hide who they are from the people they care about due to their fear of being misunderstood. Negativity can ruin the self esteem of someone of the LGBT community, whereas positivity can strengthen their self esteem. Many people base their opinions upon their religious views. Religious opinions often determine whether or not someone will be accepted or turned down and away from their family and friends. In many situations, when someone of the LGBT community is not accepted it is by someone who was raised on strong religious views and beliefs. My family is very religious, and they do not accept my cousin Josh for being bisexual. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of the Lgbt Community or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His parents, and the rest of my family, pretend like he isn’t a part of the LGBT community. He has to constantly hide who he really is from his own parents. I am the only one in the family who has loved and accepted his decision. I believe that support is the best thing anyone involved in the LGBT community could ask for. People who are more religious cannot accept a major change in society such as this one. They do not accept people of the LGBT community because they do not believe that people should love people of the same sex. They promote that people of the LGBT community will go to hell for their â€Å"infidelity†. Communities of moderately religious people are more accepting of people who belong to the LGBT community. In many situations that I have been involved with, I have noticed how even the smallest bit of acceptance can have the biggest impact on people who are a part of the LGBT community. I have noticed that some of Josh’s friends who do not make a certain religion a large part of their life are able to accept him more easily than a few of his other friends. Many people who don’t make religion a large part of their life are able to accept members of the LGBT community more easily because their thoughts are not sheltered by certain aspects of many religions. Many people in society today associate themselves with the LGBT community and consider themselves to be active in a particular religion. This demonstrates the idea that one can be active in both the LGBT community and in the religion of their choice. Many people who claim not to belong to any particular religion are more accepting of people who belong to the LGBT community. I have many friends whose families have accepted them as being members of the LGBT community; a large majority of these families do not claim to be a part of any religion. I believe that people who live life without claiming a religion tend to live more freely and are able to accept change when it is placed among them. One will notice that many people that claim to be Agnostic are more accepting to people of the LGBT community. They are more accepting because they do not live their life by certain Scriptures or rules assigned by any religion, which allows them to make their own decision in life without feeling as if they are doing something wrong. I believe if more people learned to accept the LGBT community for what it was; it would make our country, as a whole, a stronger entity. I have personally witnessed how a simple change of heart has made the life of a member of the LGBT community easier. There are many arguments amongst ourselves that tear our country apart, all because some people cannot love others for who they are. Most people are scared to accept change and accept that people can love members of the same sex because it is not something that they are used to. People should learn to love and accept others for who they are and for what they believe. If we were to open up our minds and hearts, more people would learn to trust the people they surround themselves with daily. It is important to show respect to people because negativity can cause more damage than what we tend to think. Nevertheless, it is not fair for people to have to hide themselves from the people they love. If society positively reacted to the LGBT community, the members would no longer feel the need to hide who they are.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Breast Cancer Essay Research Paper Genetic Testing free essay sample
Breast Cancer Essay, Research Paper Familial Testing for Breast Cancer Breast Cancer touches each of our lives in someway. Almost everyone knows person who has been touched by it, and many of us live in fright of what it will make to us personally. Breast malignant neoplastic disease has been around of all time since I can retrieve ; it has affected my grandma and my female parent. Unfortunately my female parent was non able to contend this awful disease and died when I was merely 16. These were really difficult times for me, and of all time since so, my life has neer been the same. I neer knew how painful this disease could be for the person every bit good as for the household, by conveying agony and opening lesions that neer heal. Harmonizing to the National Women Health Information Center, chest malignant neoplastic disease is the most normally diagnosed malignant neoplastic disease and the 2nd prima cause of malignant neoplastic disease decease in American adult females today. We will write a custom essay sample on Breast Cancer Essay Research Paper Genetic Testing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Health Technology Advisory Committee, estimates that there will be approximately 175,000 new instances of invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease this twelvemonth among adult females in the United States and there will be an norm of 43,300 adult females deceasing from this disease yearly. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is the most common type of malignant neoplastic disease among adult females, with about one in nine adult females developing the disease in her life-time ( National Cancer society. ) Although chest malignant neoplastic disease is known to impact adult females, it besides can be every bit lay waste toing to work forces. Male chest malignant neoplastic disease histories for one per centum of all diagnosed malignant neoplastic disease. Breast Cancer is disease in which cancerous cells are found in the tissues of the chest. These cancerous cells continue to turn and finally organize into lumps known as a tumour. A tumour is a mass of new tissue growing that is unresponsive to normal controls of the organisation influence of next tissues ; has no utile physiological map ( Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia 19:330 ) . The are two sort of tumours found in a adult females chest ; a benign and a malignant tumour. A benign tumour by and large grows easy and does non distribute to any portion of the organic structure. On the other manus, a malignant tumour is really unsafe. This tumour kills unless treated, because of its invasive and metastatic features. Every adult female is at hazard of obtaining Breast Cancer, nevertheless, some are at higher hazard than others. Simply being a adult female is the chief hazard factor for developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease can impact work forces, but this disease is about one hundred times more common among adult females. A adult females? s hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease increases with age. About 77 per centum of adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease are over age 50 at the clip of diagnosing. Womans aged between 20 and 39 history for merely zero three per centum of chest malignant neoplastic disease instances ( TNCI ) . A chart from the National Cancer Institute illustrated that a adult female by that age of 30 is one out of two thousand five 100s and 20 at hazard of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease. The chart besides illustrated that a adult female by the age of eight her hazards of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease addition by one out of 10. Research has showed that those adult females, who have a personal history of chest malignant neoplastic disease, are five to six times at greater hazard of acquiring the disease than those who don? Ts have a personal history ( Hirshuat 67 ) . Womans who got their menses before the age of 12 are besides at higher hazard of developing malignant neoplastic disease than those who got their menses after the age of 15. Louise Brinton, Ph.D. , head of the Environmental Studies Section at the National Cancer Institute stated that, ? Many misss who get their periods at an early age tend to be corpulent, which is a separate hazard factor later in life. ? ( qtd. Women Weigh the Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer ) . The mean age of climacteric in the United States is about 55. Womans who enter climacteric after the mean age are at twice the hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease so adult females who enter climacteric before ago of 55. Never holding a kid or holding the first kid after age of 35 would besides increase their hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Research workers from the National Cancer Society have stated that the usage of intoxicant is clearly proven to increasing hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Compared with abstainers, adult females who consume one alcoholic drink a twenty-four hours have a really little addition in hazard. Those who have two to five drinks daily are about one and a half times higher in hazard than adult females who do non imbibe intoxicant. There are many ways to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease. The earliest chest malignant neoplastic diseases found the better the opportunities for successful intervention. Every adult female should follow these guidelines whether they have a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease or non. Mammography is an X ray of the chest. This is used to happen the disease in adult females who have symptoms or do non hold any chest jobs. Every adult female who falls between the ages of 40 and 90 should take this trial yearly. The mammogram should be between 25 dollars and two hundred and 25 dollars, there are assorted organisations and adult females support groups across the state who provide referrals to low-cost or free mammography services. Clinical Breast Examinations is another manner to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease. In this test, the wellness professional examines the adult females? s chest for any alterations in form or size and so gently fells the che st. This test should be practiced every three old ages for adult females who are in the ages between 20 and thirty-nine. Another easy and cheap manner to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease is by making the chest introspection ( Library General Health Encyclopedia ) . BSE consist of analyzing the chest every month or a hebdomad after every menses period. All this methods are utile for observing chest malignant neoplastic disease before it becomes a tumour. Breakthrough in familial research have identified two cistrons which will convey hope to many adult females by conveying them consequences of life economy, early sensing and intervention. However, this trial has hazards and benefits. The thought that cistrons play a function in 1s hazard of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease is terrorizing. However, in fact, genetic sciences is one of the most exciting and advanced countries of research in chest malignant neoplastic disease today. This recent find brings hope to many adult females. Approximately 5-10 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease instances are caused by a known familial familial alteration ( Breast Cancer Genes: The BRCA1 and BRCA2 ) . The first cistron to be identified was the BRCA1, Breast Cancer Gene 1. BRCA1 was discovered in 1994 after 4 old ages of research by a squad lead by Dr. Mark Skolnick, Ph.D. , a genetic sciences and professor of the University of Utah Medical Center and Dr. Roger Wiseman of NIH ( Benjamin ) . The cistron is located in the long arm of the chromosome 17, one of the 23 braces of chromosomes found in the human cells ( BRCA1 Sequence Analysis ) . Sean V. Tavtigian stated in the article BRCA 1 cistrons and its Protein Products, that any adult females who has a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease, has a even opportunity of inheriting a flowed transcript from either parent? ( qdt. BRCA1 Gena 18 ) . Dr. Mark Skolnick noted that the cistron? BRCA 1 is over 10 times larger than the mean cistron and could be prone to many types of mutant along its? span? ( qtd. in Baron-Faust 10 ) . A adult female who inherits a faulty transcript of BRCA 1 from her female parent or male parent besides has a normal transcript of the BRCA1 on most of the instances. Equally long as one normal transcript is present, her chest malignant neoplastic disease cells function usually. However, at some clip during her life, she is really likely to endure a mutant to the staying normal cistron transcript in one or more breast cells. The rate for these cells to develop into chest malignant neoplastic disease is highly high. Harmonizing to the Policy Statement of Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer, every bit many as 90 per centum of these adult females will develop it than a adult females with? normal? cistrons. A 2nd of import cistron act uponing chest malignant neoplastic disease today is BRCA2, chest malignant neoplastic disease cistron 2. This cistron was identified in 1995 by Dr. Douglas Easton of London? s Institute of Cancer Research ( Benjamin ) . The cistron is located in the long arm of chromosome 13. Another major familial defect associated with BRAC2 a tumour suppresser cistron called p53 located on the short arm of chromosome 17 ( Baron-Faust 58 ) . The? P? is used as an abbreviation for stating that is in the smallest portion of the chromosome 17. Another jobs in the cistron p53 will interfere with the production of a protein is what keeps that cells growing under control. Defects in p53 are believed to be among the most common familial defect in chest malignant neoplastic disease. A individual can be born with a faulty cistron or the cistron can go damaged thought the persons life. Almost 50 per centum of all worlds? malignant neoplastic disease cells contain a p53 mutant. An congenital defect in the p53 cistron occurs in households with the rare upset called? Li-Fraumen-Syndrom? , which causes an familial susceptibleness of early malignant neoplastic diseases, including chest malignant neoplastic disease ( Benjamin ) . Since p53 is so of import for normal cell growing in human research workers are go oning to look for ways to name, prevent and dainty malignant neoplastic disease associated with p53 ( American Cancer Society ) . It is know that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumour suppresser cistrons, which map to forestall phase of tumour development. Mutants in these cistrons merely appear in a few familial tumours, and are seldom in malignant neoplastic diseases or in normal tissues. The trial called? bracanalysis? , can observe those familial defects in a adult females with a strong household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease. The trial consists of a individual blood trial. This trial does non name malignant neoplastic disease nor will it foretell if or when malignant neoplastic disease will develop. The bracanalysis looks for a specific mutant on the cistrons BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women with a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease are more likely to seek familial proving if they believe in the benefits. ? The trial cost between four hundred dollars and two thousand four hundred dollars depending on the type of trial needed, and takes about a hebdomad to obtain the consequences? ( Policy Statement of Genetic Testing of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer in Women ) . Everyone is eligible to take the bracanalysis trial, nevertheless, some should take it in history more that others. Harmonizing to the National Cancer Society any adult females who fall into any of this classs should take in history of taking the trial. *Any adult females who has a personal history of chest malignant neoplastic disease. *Any adult females who have/had two or more close relations with chest malignant neoplastic disease. *Any adult females who have/had a comparative with chest malignant neoplastic disease at an early age. *Any adult females who have/had a comparative with bilateral ( both sides ) chest malignant neoplastic disease *Any adult females who has a form of chest malignant neoplastic disease in more than one coevals of their household. Any adult female who takes the trial will be faced with plentifulness of hazards. Marin Penalist and oncologist and a chest specializer said, ? If you have the trial done it comes up with a positive, it becomes a catastrophe? you? ll neer acquire medical insurance again. ? ( qtd. in Jacobson ) . There are opportunities that after taking the trial the adult females may endure favoritism, from insures, such as wellness, life, and disablement and from employers. A adult female may besides endure from psychological hurt. Mildred Cho, Ph.D. , helper professor at Penn? s centre for bioethics, said that? one of the grounds for this limited sum of information? ? ? is the trouble of acquiring informations about the public presentation of the trial detect late-onset conditions? ( qtd in Randolph 2 ) . Another thing Cho stated was that for this trial to come out accurate at that place will hold to be a batch of clip and research invested, and the development of this trial has non been around fo r that long. One of the Major hazard a adult females? s pickings is that is the consequences come out positive she will hold to populate with this for the remainder of her life. Taking this trial will besides provide that individual with benefits. The adult female has the opportunity of happening out if she will develop chest malignant neoplastic disease or non ( kelly 4 ) . For illustration, if a adult female has a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease the most appropriate thing to make from halting malignant neoplastic disease to harm her is by taking both chests. Now with the bacanalysis trial the adult females have a opportunity to cognize if she should take her chest or non. The Cancer hazard and Assessment and Counseling Report stated that three hundred and twenty four adult females who had household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease decided to take their chests and merely 25 developed chest malignant neoplastic disease. At least 40 and as one hundred chest malignant neoplastic disease would hold been expected. Any adult females who takes the trial and gets positive will be obligated to go to guidance for at least six mont hs or one twelvemonth. Counseling that outlines the benefits of familial testing for chest malignant neoplastic disease may be an of import tool for forestalling the disease ( kelly 2 ) . Even in the absence of familial proving malignant neoplastic disease hazard and appraisal is recommended for persons with a household history of malignant neoplastic disease. Cancer hazard reding includes: ? Obtaining elaborate household, medical, and life manners ? Documenting cancer- related diagnosings ? Constructing and analysing household history ? Supplying hazard appraisal and guidance ? Discoursing options for early sensing and bar ? Discoursing hazard and benefits of cistron proving Today there is no remedy for chest malignant neoplastic disease, but the ability to make the right process will minimise the menaces breast malignant neoplastic disease had upon adult females. Today there are plentifulness of topographic points a adult female could seek aid and intervention. There are non any grounds why the chest malignant neoplastic disease should non be detected early. If every adult females follows up the process of BSE, takes the mammography yearly and takes in history that chest malignant neoplastic disease is a really serious disease, chest malignant neoplastic disease would non hold such a strong influence among Ame rican adult females today Familial Testing for Breast Cancer Breast Cancer touches each of our lives in someway. Almost everyone knows person who has been touched by it, and many of us live in fright of what it will make to us personally. Breast malignant neoplastic disease has been around of all time since I can retrieve ; it has affected my grandma and my female parent. Unfortunately my female parent was non able to contend this awful disease and died when I was merely 16. These were really difficult times for me, and of all time since so, my life has neer been the same. I neer knew how painful this disease could be for the person every bit good as for the household, by conveying agony and opening lesions that neer heal. Harmonizing to the National Women Health Information Center, chest malignant neoplastic disease is the most normally diagnosed malignant neoplastic disease and the 2nd prima cause of malignant neoplastic disease decease in American adult females today. The Health Technology Advisory Committee, estimates that there will be ap proximately 175,000 new instances of invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease this twelvemonth among adult females in the United States and there will be an norm of 43,300 adult females deceasing from this disease yearly. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is the most common type of malignant neoplastic disease among adult females, with about one in nine adult females developing the disease in her life-time ( National Cancer society. ) Although chest malignant neoplastic disease is known to impact adult females, it besides can be every bit lay waste toing to work forces. Male chest malignant neoplastic disease histories for one per centum of all diagnosed malignant neoplastic disease. Breast Cancer is disease in which cancerous cells are found in the tissues of the chest. These cancerous cells continue to turn and finally organize into lumps known as a tumour. A tumour is a mass of new tissue growing that is unresponsive to normal controls of the organisation influence of next tissues ; has no utile physiological map ( Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia 19:330 ) . The are two sort of tumours found in a adult females chest ; a benign and a malignant tumour. A benign tumour by and large grows easy and does non distribute to any portion of the organic structure. On the other manus, a malignant tumour is really unsafe. This tumour kills unless treated, because of its invasive and metastatic features. Every adult female is at hazard of obtaining Breast Cancer, nevertheless, some are at higher hazard than others. Simply being a adult female is the chief hazard factor for developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease can impact work forces, but this disease is about one hundred times more common among adult females. A adult females? s hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease increases with age. About 77 per centum of adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease are over age 50 at the clip of diagnosing. Womans aged between 20 and 39 history for merely zero three per centum of chest malignant neoplastic disease instances ( TNCI ) . A chart from the National Cancer Institute illustrated that a adult female by that age of 30 is one out of two thousand five 100s and 20 at hazard of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease. The chart besides illustrated that a adult female by the age of eight her hazards of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease addition by one out of 10. Research has showed that those adult females, who have a personal history of chest malignant neoplastic disease, are five to six times at greater hazard of acquiring the disease than those who don? Ts have a personal history ( Hirshuat 67 ) . Womans who got their menses before the age of 12 are besides at higher hazard of developing malignant neoplastic disease than those who got their menses after the age of 15. Louise Brinton, Ph.D. , head of the Environmental Studies Section at the National Cancer Institute stated that, ? Many misss who get their periods at an early age tend to be corpulent, which is a separate hazard factor later in life. ? ( qtd. Women Weigh the Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer ) . The mean age of climacteric in the United States is about 55. Womans who enter climacteric after the mean age are at twice the hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease so adult females who enter climacteric before ago of 55. Never holding a kid or holding the first kid after age of 35 would besides increase their hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Research workers from the National Cancer Society have stated that the usage of intoxicant is clearly proven to increasing hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease. Compared with abstainers, adult females who consume one alcoholic drink a twenty-four hours have a really little addition in hazard. Those who have two to five drinks daily are about one and a half times higher in hazard than adult females who do non imbibe intoxicant. There are many ways to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease. The earliest chest malignant neoplastic diseases found the better the opportunities for successful intervention. Every adult female should follow these guidelines whether they have a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease or non. Mammography is an X ray of the chest. This is used to happen the disease in adult females who have symptoms or do non hold any chest jobs. Every adult female who falls between the ages of 40 and 90 should take this trial yearly. The mammogram should be between 25 dollars and two hundred and 25 dollars, there are assorted organisations and adult females support groups across the state who provide referrals to low-cost or free mammography services. Clinical Breast Examinations is another manner to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease. In this test, the wellness professional examines the adult females? s chest for any alterations in form or size and so gently fells the che st. This test should be practiced every three old ages for adult females who are in the ages between 20 and thirty-nine. Another easy and cheap manner to observe chest malignant neoplastic disease is by making the chest introspection ( Library General Health Encyclopedia ) . BSE consist of analyzing the chest every month or a hebdomad after every menses period. All this methods are utile for observing chest malignant neoplastic disease before it becomes a tumour. Breakthrough in familial research have identified two cistrons which will convey hope to many adult females by conveying them consequences of life economy, early sensing and intervention. However, this trial has hazards and benefits. The thought that cistrons play a function in 1s hazard of obtaining chest malignant neoplastic disease is terrorizing. However, in fact, genetic sciences is one of the most exciting and advanced countries of research in chest malignant neoplastic disease today. This recent find brings hope to many adult females. Approximately 5-10 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease instances are caused by a known familial familial alteration ( Breast Cancer Genes: The BRCA1 and BRCA2 ) . The first cistron to be identified was the BRCA1, Breast Cancer Gene 1. BRCA1 was discovered in 1994 after 4 old ages of research by a squad lead by Dr. Mark Skolnick, Ph.D. , a genetic sciences and professor of the University of Utah Medical Center and Dr. Roger Wiseman of NIH ( Benjamin ) . The cistron is located in the long arm of the chromosome 17, one of the 23 braces of chromosomes found in the human cells ( BRCA1 Sequence Analysis ) . Sean V. Tavtigian stated in the article BRCA 1 cistrons and its Protein Products, that any adult females who has a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease, has a even opportunity of inheriting a flowed transcript from either parent? ( qdt. BRCA1 Gena 18 ) . Dr. Mark Skolnick noted that the cistron? BRCA 1 is over 10 times larger than the mean cistron and could be prone to many types of mutant along its? span? ( qtd. in Baron-Faust 10 ) . A adult female who inherits a faulty transcript of BRCA 1 from her female parent or male parent besides has a normal transcript of the BRCA1 on most of the instances. Equally long as one normal transcript is present, her chest malignant neoplastic disease cells function usually. However, at some clip during her life, she is really likely to endure a mutant to the staying normal cistron transcript in one or more breast cells. The rate for these cells to develop into chest malignant neoplastic disease is highly high. Harmonizing to the Policy Statement of Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer, every bit many as 90 per centum of these adult females will develop it than a adult females with? normal? cistrons. A 2nd of import cistron act uponing chest malignant neoplastic disease today is BRCA2, chest malignant neoplastic disease cistron 2. This cistron was identified in 1995 by Dr. Douglas Easton of London? s Institute of Cancer Research ( Benjamin ) . The cistron is located in the long arm of chromosome 13. Another major familial defect associated with BRAC2 a tumour suppresser cistron called p53 located on the short arm of chromosome 17 ( Baron-Faust 58 ) . The? P? is used as an abbreviation for stating that is in the smallest portion of the chromosome 17. Another jobs in the cistron p53 will interfere with the production of a protein is what keeps that cells growing under control. Defects in p53 are believed to be among the most common familial defect in chest malignant neoplastic disease. A individual can be born with a faulty cistron or the cistron can go damaged thought the persons life. Almost 50 per centum of all worlds? malignant neoplastic disease cells contain a p53 mutant. An congenital defect in the p53 cistron occurs in households with the rare upset called? Li-Fraumen-Syndrom? , which causes an familial susceptibleness of early malignant neoplastic diseases, including chest malignant neoplastic disease ( Benjamin ) . Since p53 is so of import for normal cell growing in human research workers are go oning to look for ways to name, prevent and dainty malignant neoplastic disease associated with p53 ( American Cancer Society ) . It is know that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumour suppresser cistrons, which map to forestall phase of tumour development. Mutants in these cistrons merely appear in a few familial tumours, and are seldom in malignant neoplastic diseases or in normal tissues. The trial called? bracanalysis? , can observe those familial defects in a adult females with a strong household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease. The trial consists of a individual blood trial. This trial does non name malignant neoplastic disease nor will it foretell if or when malignant neoplastic disease will develop. The bracanalysis looks for a specific mutant on the cistrons BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women with a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease are more likely to seek familial proving if they believe in the benefits. ? The trial cost between four hundred dollars and two thousand four hundred dollars depending on the type of trial needed, and takes about a hebdomad to obtain the consequences? ( Policy Statement of Genetic Testing of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer in Women ) . Everyone is eligible to take the bracanalysis trial, nevertheless, some should take it in history more that others. Harmonizing to the National Cancer Society any adult females who fall into any of this classs should take in history of taking the trial. *Any adult females who has a personal history of chest malignant neoplastic disease. *Any adult females who have/had two or more close relations with chest malignant neoplastic disease. *Any adult females who have/had a comparative with chest malignant neoplastic disease at an early age. *Any adult females who have/had a comparative with bilateral ( both sides ) chest malignant neoplastic disease *Any adult females who has a form of chest malignant neoplastic disease in more than one coevals of their household. Any adult female who takes the trial will be faced with plentifulness of hazards. Marin Penalist and oncologist and a chest specializer said, ? If you have the trial done it comes up with a positive, it becomes a catastrophe? you? ll neer acquire medical insurance again. ? ( qtd. in Jacobson ) . There are opportunities that after taking the trial the adult females may endure favoritism, from insures, such as wellness, life, and disablement and from employers. A adult female may besides endure from psychological hurt. Mildred Cho, Ph.D. , helper professor at Penn? s centre for bioethics, said that? one of the grounds for this limited sum of information? ? ? is the trouble of acquiring informations about the public presentation of the trial detect late-onset conditions? ( qtd in Randolph 2 ) . Another thing Cho stated was that for this trial to come out accurate at that place will hold to be a batch of clip and research invested, and the development of this trial has non been around fo r that long. One of the Major hazard a adult females? s pickings is that is the consequences come out positive she will hold to populate with this for the remainder of her life. Taking this trial will besides provide that individual with benefits. The adult female has the opportunity of happening out if she will develop chest malignant neoplastic disease or non ( kelly 4 ) . For illustration, if a adult female has a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease the most appropriate thing to make from halting malignant neoplastic disease to harm her is by taking both chests. Now with the bacanalysis trial the adult females have a opportunity to cognize if she should take her chest or non. The Cancer hazard and Assessment and Counseling Report stated that three hundred and twenty four adult females who had household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease decided to take their chests and merely 25 developed chest malignant neoplastic disease. At least 40 and as one hundred chest malignant neoplastic disease would hold been expected. Any adult females who takes the trial and gets positive will be obligated to go to guidance for at least six mont hs or one twelvemonth. Counseling that outlines the benefits of familial testing for chest malignant neoplastic disease may be an of import tool for forestalling the disease ( kelly 2 ) . Even in the absence of familial proving malignant neoplastic disease hazard and appraisal is recommended for persons with a household history of malignant neoplastic disease. Cancer hazard reding includes: ? Obtaining elaborate household, medical, and life manners ? Documenting cancer- related diagnosings ? Constructing and analysing household history ? Supplying hazard appraisal and guidance ? Discoursing options for early sensing and bar ? Discoursing hazard and benefits of cistron proving Today there is no remedy for chest malignant neoplastic disease, but the ability to make the right process will minimise the menaces breast malignant neoplastic disease had upon adult females. Today there are plentifulness of topographic points a adult female could seek aid and intervention. There are non any grounds why the chest malignant neoplastic disease should non be detected early. If every adult females follows up the process of BSE, takes the mammography yearly and takes in history that chest malignant neoplastic disease is a really serious disease, chest malignant neoplastic disease would non hold such a strong influence among American adult females today
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Fasting during Ramadan
Fasting during Ramadan Free Online Research Papers Ramadan a important holiday for Muslims all around the world. During the month of Ramadan Muslims fast every day from dawn to sunset. Muslims have to stop eating and drinking before the call for prayer starts until the fourth prayer of the day. Muslims break their fast at sunset prayer time with a meal called Iftar. After sunset Muslims can continue to eat till the next morning after that the process starts all over. Ramadan is a time of reflecting and worshipping Allah. All Muslims are expected to put effort into following the teachings of Islam and to avoid obscene and irreligious sights and sounds. The fast is meant to be a way of exacting a act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a raised awareness of closeness to Allah. This act of fasting is said to redirect the mind and heart from worldly activities. This act of deep personal worship is to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm. It also allows Muslims to practice self discipline, self control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate. During Ramadan it is very common for Muslims to go to the Mosque and spend several hours praying and studying the Quran. In addition to the five daily prayers during Ramadan Muslims recite a special prayer called the Taraweeh or night prayer. The length of this prayer is 2-3 times as long as the daily prayers, some Muslims even spend the entire night in prayer. Muslims should start observing the fasting ritual upon reaching adolescence, so long as they are healthy, sane, and have no disabilities or illnesses. The elderly, the chronically ill, and mentally ill are exempted from fasting, but the first two groups must feed the poor in place of their missed fasting. During Ramadan Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in staying away from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self restraint and good deeds. The dates of Ramadan vary moving forward about ten days each year as it is a moving holiday. Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are to slow their from their worldly affairs and focus on self reformation. This is to establish a link between Allah and themselves through prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and helping others. Since it is a festival of giving and sharing Muslims prepare special foods and buy gifts for their friends and family and for giving the poor and needy who cannot afford it. In many Muslim and non Muslim countries with large Muslim population markets close down in the evening to enable people to perform prayers and consume the Iftar meal. These markets re open and stay open for a good part of the night. Muslims can be seen eating, shopping, and spending time with their friends and family during the evening hours. After the month of Ramadan has passed Muslims are encouraged to fast for another six days When fasting is over Muslims go to mosques in nice cloths and pray to Allah and thank him for what Allah has given them. Research Papers on Fasting during RamadanThe Hockey GameNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceDefinition of Export QuotasThe Spring and AutumnThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Project Managment Office SystemThe Masque of the Red Death Room meanings
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Cowboy Phenomenon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Cowboy Phenomenon - Essay Example Finally, the cowboy is aggressive because nothing can stop him from achieving any goal he wishes to achieve (Ruud, Geoff & Hugo 156). â€Å"There are some things a man just can’t run away from†The first characteristic of the cowboy involves certain aspects of his lives that are mandatory. Consequently, the cowboy must perform these functions because he has no other options. The functions could even be dangerous to the cowboy’s existence. However, the cowboy performs the functions to satisfy significant expectations in his life. For example, in Johnny Guitar†, Johnny realizes that he is in love with Vienna. This love for Vienna enables the viewers to encounter the first cowboy characteristic of Johnny Guitar. This is because Johnny Guitar maintains Vienna’s company after the self-declared reformed. Guitar knows about Vienna’s possible involvement in the robbery because of criminal history, which Vienna already has. However, this does not stop Johnny Guitar from saving his love, Vienna. Johnny Guitar is aware that it is a great risk to save Vienna after her capture but the love he has inspires him (Ray). Consequently, Charles Cosby displays similar cowboy characteristics in â€Å"Cocaine Cowboys 2†. The only difference is that Cosby’s inspiration is the urge to be successful in the cocaine business, not love. Cosby has exemplary courage, which enables him to write letters to Blanco. Evidently, Griselda Blanco is a queen pin who most people fear. Therefore, Cosby’s decision to write the letter to Blanco is synonymous with the first characteristic of the cowboy. This is because Cosby dreams of also leading the cocaine business. Later he establishes the cocaine business and is a rich man because he was not afraid to approach the godmother (Corben & Perry). â€Å"A man ought to do what he thinks is right†The second characteristic of the cowboy encourages cowboys to do what they think is right rega rdless of other people’s views. Johnny Guitar helps Vienna out of the burning bar without considering if Vienna was right or wrong. Johnny Guitar believes that men ought to protect the respective women who they love. Therefore, he saves Vienna from all troubles that face her like when Emma convinces the men to kill Vienna. Similarly, Cosby engages in certain behavior that people would otherwise consider immoral. For example, he sells cocaine in the city without considering the dangers, which he poses to people. Cosby is equally aware of the consequences of the cocaine business. He risks serving jail time like Blanca or even facing more punishments that are serious. However, this knowledge does not stop Cosby from engaging in the dangerous drug business. His only concern is to be successful with the drugs, which he realizes when he owns the 40 Million-cocaine business (Ray). â€Å"If everything isn’t black and white, I say â€Å"why the hell not?†Finally, the c owboy is aggressive in everything he does because of what Johnny Guitar and Charles Cosby reveal in their respective situations. For instance, Johnny Guitar ensures that he saves Vienna when Emma suggests killing Vienna. It is among the most dangerous decisions he makes in the entire movie. This is because of Vienna’s past and the anger, which Emma and her gang have for Vienna. Obviously, Emma would also kill anyone who was on Vienna’s side. However, that could not prevent Johnny Guitar from facing the angry
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Citizenship Curriculum Guidelines Changed the Methods of Teaching Essay
Citizenship Curriculum Guidelines Changed the Methods of Teaching Citizenship in English Secondary Schools - Essay Example As the report declares the active elements of teaching Citizenship usually engage pupils that are more difficult and if these elements were introduced into other mainstream lessons they could contribute to pupils engaging with learning, leading to less exclusion, less negative incidents improved attendance and improved classroom behaviour. The text of the current literature in Wright’s Teaching citizenship in the Secondary School supports student teachers, NQTs and practitioners in implementing the Citizenship Order in secondary schools - to be introduced in September 2002. This paper stresses that other changes in curriculum plans include providing further support for teachers. Recent efforts have been put forth to provide support for teachers in developing levels of religious and theological literacy, both of individual pupils and the society as a whole. It suggests tasks, activities and further reading designed to enhance the experiences of teachers. Resources are a factor that have been addressed in curriculum guidelines in the past and are a concern for the future. Tudor’s book is founded on the new curriculum for citizenship and the issues that arise from these changes. The book provides practitioners in secondary schools with the essential tools needed to teach citizenship. Tudor provides an overview of the citizenship order and gives guidance on how to fulfill its three main elements: social and moral responsibility, community involvement, and political literacy.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Public Interest Immunity in Protecting Informants
Public Interest Immunity in Protecting Informants Introduction The role of informants in an investigation is crucial as the information provided by an informant may be the only piece of evidence or clue available to the law enforcement agencies. So, it is critical that some clarity is drawn in identifying the rights of the informants and how and when the law should protect them. It can be argued that adding clarity to this area of law will inform and motivate informants to facilitate investigations when required. The aim of this essay is to explore the role of law in public interest immunity (PII) to protect informants as a class. As a result, this essay will explore the rights of informants and the role of law in protecting them under the principles of public interest immunity (PII). This essay will explore case law and legislation to critically analyse the role of law in PII to protect informants as a class in the following paragraphs. In doing so, this essay will argue that informants as a class should be protected by the law under the princi ples of public interest immunity. Public Interest Immunity (PII) Generally, there is public interest in protecting the identity of those who provide important information to the police, that is, the informants. As a result, the disclosure of their identity or any material that has the potential to reveal their identity is restricted through case law. However, deriving from English common law, a judge has the discretion to reveal the identity of the informant if it helps establish the fact that the accused in the relevant case is innocent. One of the statutory instruments that applicable is section 21 of the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996[1] (CPIA 1996). In R v Chief Constable of the West Midlands ex parte Wiley[2], it was Lord Templeman who stated that, based on the principles of public interest immunity, the disclosure of information can be denied which is pertinent to the case and also important in the determination of the proceeding in question. Hence, the only reason to deviate from this is if public interest demands for it.[3] Therefore, there must be equality of arms[4] in public interest immunity (PII). The thrust of the principle of public interest immunity to refuse disclosure of relevant material is on the ground that to do so would harm the public interest. However, disclosure can be refused if material might be privileged, material might be lost, and material might be difficult to get hold of. In civil proceedings, the procedure is carried out according to Order 24 of the Rules of the Supreme Court and to withhold is specifically stated in rule 15 which states that, 15. The foregoing provisions of this Order shall be without prejudice to any rule of law which authorises or requires the withholding of any document on the ground that the disclosure of it would be injurious to the public interest.[5] It is clear from rule 15 that public interest is the ultimate factor to be considered in cases of public interest immunity. For conciseness of argument, this essay will solely focus on informants. In criminal matters where the police refrains from disclosing the identity of the informant to the defendant, there is an overlap between the principles of common law of open justice which requires that maximum disclosure takes place as established in R v Davis, Johnson and Rowe[6] and Article 6 ECHR which is demonstrated in the vase of R v H [7]. In R v H, the House of Lords held that a trial judge should take into account all the information that are available based on the nature of the PII pursued as well as guaranteeing that the complete disclosure process does not reveal more than is required given the context of the case[8]. A similar example is noted in the case of Al Rawi v Security Service[9], several men claimed for damages as they have been detained by foreign forces including places like Guantanamo Bay and claimed that the UK Security Service along with others engaged in ill treatment. In return the UK Security Service stated that they refrained from giving access to cert ain pieces of evidence and would rather be represented by special advocates[10]. It was held in this case that if governmental bodies wanted to rely on the argument of national security, they would need to rely on PII which gives them the right to do so in relation to providing protection for State interests wherever it is required[11]. The case law discussed so far provides a general overview of the attitude of the courts. However, what needs to be considered is when disclosure of the identity of the informant based on interests of justice, the protection towards the informant is still violated despite being justified by any legal reasoning or case law. Informant Rights and the Role of Law While discussing the role of informants and the role of law in protecting them, a discussion of criminal matters is warranted. It should be stated that most cases relating to PII involve civil matters even though the principles can also be applied in criminal matters where the applications are generally altered as in the case of Marks v Beyfus[12]. In Marks v Beyfus, Lord Esher stated that it was precisely recognised that it is not generally required by the witness to disclose the identity of a police informant. This is due to the significance of public interested in providing protection and as well as motivating individuals to provide information to the law and enforcement agencies. Hence, witnesses should not be asked about the identity of the informants or questions that have the potential to reveal the identity of the informants[13]. However, there are exceptions in PII. For criminal matters, if the context of the case is such that refraining from disclosing the identity of the i nformants may jeopardise the integrity of the trial by impacting on the correctness of adjudication in the case and might lead to the innocent being convicted and imprisoned. These types of cases are usually quite rare. This ratio has been given by the House of Lords in the case, R v Horseferry Road Magistrates Court, Ex p Bennett[14]. In R v Horseferry Road Magistrates Court, Ex p Bennett , the House of Lords held that in a situation where a person is charged criminally, if the person does not get justice in relation to the process, then the person should not be tried.[15] As a result, if it requires the identity of the informant to be disclosed in order to establish a defendants innocence, the court will exercise its discretion and allow the disclosure of the identity of the informant. This case reiterated the principles established in Makanjuola v. Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis[16]that public interest immunity is not a trump card vouchsafed to certain privileged playe rs to play when and as they wish. It is an exclusionary rule, imposed on parties in certain circumstances, even where it is to their disadvantage in litigation.[17] It is submitted that as discussed already in this essay, even though the innocent should get justice but compromising the identity of the informant is compromising his/her protection and confidence in law and enforcement agencies. It is a continuing duty of the court to consider the issue of disclosure and decide whether disclosure should be ordered or whether prosecution should offer no evidence which would disclose the identity of the informant[18]. It can be stated that in this kind of a circumstance, the trial judge is put in a complicated situation trying to assess in terms of whether the disclosure of the identity of the informant is actually necessary to establish that the defendant is innocent. If his decision is positive, then the disclosure must be ordered by the judge even though the threshold is quite low. Furthermore, in the case of R v Hallett[19], it was held by the Court of Appeal that a defendant should not be: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦deprived of the opportunity of casting doubt on the case against him.[20] Therefore, according to the court, what is necessary is a real possibility that disclosing the identity of the informant would actually benefit to the defence. The principles of public interest immunity protect the disclosure of an informers identity as well as deal with exceptions extends to the premises where the police have undertaken surveillance on a suspected individual[21]. In this kind of a circumstance, the occupiers of the premises may feel uncomfortable, vulnerable, exposed and frightened as their premises may be identify which may victimise them. This may also result in the public refraining from assisting the police with their investigations or letting law enforcement agencies to use peoples premises for surveillance purposes. Taking into account the potential danger of the occupiers of the premises, in circumstances where the occupiers do not wish to allow disclosure, it is not permitted being subject to public interest immunity. However, there can be circumstances where the disclosure of the identity of the informant becomes necessary to test the evidence put forward by the police. In the case of R v Rankine[22], the activiti es of an alleged drug dealer had been under the surveillance of police officers through the use of private premises. It was the decision of the Court of Appeal that these types of cases can be indistinguishable from the ones where police informers are involved[23]. Hence, it is inappropriate to withhold the location of the surveillance point given that restricting such information will not lead to the miscarriage of justice. In addition to this, R v Johnson (Kenneth)[24], was further explored by the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal held that the required basis for the prosecution to make an application to withhold the location of surveillance point[25]. In this specific case, it was required for an officer to testify that he had visited the premises and ascertained the permission of the occupiers to the potential disclosure of the identity of the premises used. Additionally, an officer with the rank of at least a chief inspector to testify that immediately before the trial he ha s visited the premises in order to identify and ascertain whether the occupiers has not changed and in any circumstance, their attitude towards the identification of the premises as well as its occupants[26]. Thus, in relation to the disclosure of the identity of informers, a qualitative judgment of the decision by the trial judge is necessary as to when a failure to disclose the location of surveillance risks occasioning a miscarriage of justice even though these types of cases are difficult. Moreover, in relation to the identity of informants, if the police are required to disclose their surveillance point, the police sometimes prefer to offer no evidence instead of comprising their source as Blake v DPP[27]. In the case of An Informer v A Chief Constable[28], the duty of care towards an informant was owed by the police Chief Constable. It was held in that case that the police definitely owed a duty of care to the informant but was not liable for his economic loss. This is also su pported by Lord Toulsons statement in Michael[29] as he states, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ an example of a duty of care arising from an assumption of responsibility coupled with reliance by the claimant à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The police conceded that they owed a duty of care to protect his physical well-being, and that of his family. They had assured him that they would do so and he had acted on the faith of their assurances.[30]In the Matter of A (A Child)[31]is an important case even though this decision was reversed by the Court of Appeal by ordering disclosure of the documents. By the time, the case has reached the Supreme Court, the disclosure has been made to the mother of the child as well as to the guardian and the Supreme Court decided to dismiss the appeal[32]. Deriving from these cases, it can be stated that even though the fact that a duty of care by the police owed to the defendant is clearly established, the potential of injustice as a result of nondisclosure of information and/or ident ity of the informant will not be undermined in the process. It is submitted that informants as a class should be protected at any case. Where the courts are faced with the dilemma of justice to the accused who is potentially innocent and putting the information provided by the informant to test by disclosing the identity of the informant, the courts and the police put the informants in a vulnerable position. Conclusion This essay aimed to explore the role of public interest immunity in protecting informants as a class. It can be concluded from the discussion that this is quite a complex and challenging area of law. The general rule is, disclosure is necessary if it is necessitated by the interests of justice. However, as evidenced in the case law that has been considered in this essay that there are factors that need to be taken into account. In answering the question whether law should protect informants as a class under the principles of public interest immunity, the answer is definitely yes but what is also essential to take into account is considering the balance between the necessity to restrict disclosure of the identity of the informant and the possibility of injustice towards the defendant. This is a question best left for the courts in the United Kingdom (UK). [1] Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, <> accessed 20 February 2017. [2] R v Chief Constable of the West Midlands ex parte Wiley [1994] 3 All ER 420. [3] Ibid, R v Chief Constable of the West Midlands ex parte Wiley. [4] International Review, The principle of equality of arms is a jurisprudential principle issued by the European Court of Human Rights and is a part of the right to a fair trial written in the (European) Convention for human rights and fundamental freedoms. accessed 22 February 2017. [5] Oder 24 of the Rules of the Supreme Court <> accessed 19 February 2017. [6] R v Davis, Johnson and Rowe [1993] 1 WLR 613-614. [7] R v H [2004] UKHL 3, <> accessed 21 February 2017. [8] Ibid, R v H. [9]Al Rawi v Security Service [2011] UKSC 34 <> accessed 22 February 2017. [10] Ibid, Al Rawi v Security Service [11] Ibid, Al Rawi v Security Service [12]Marks v Beyfus (1890) 25 QBD 494 [13] Ibid, Marks v Beyfus. [14]R. v. Horseferry Road Magistrates Court, ex p. Bennett (No. 2) [1994] 1 All E.R. 289, D.C. [15] Ibid, R. v. Horseferry Road Magistrates Court, ex p. Bennett. [16] Makanjuola v. Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [ 1992] 3 All E. R. 617, C. A. (Civ. Div.) [17] Ibid, Makanjuola v. Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. [18] Public Interest Immunity, Research Paper 96/25, 22 February 1996, <> accessed 21 February 2016. [19]R v Hallett [1986] Crim LR 462. [20] Ibid, R v Hallett. [21] Ibid, Research Paper 96/25. [22]R v Rankine (1986) 83 Cr. App. R. 18 [23] Ibid, R v Rankine. [24]R v Johnson (Kenneth) [1988] 1 W.L.R. 1377. [25] Ibid, R v Johnson (Kenneth). [26] Ibid, R v Johnson (Kenneth). [27] Blake v DPP [1993] 97 Cr. App. R. 169. [28] An Informer v A Chief Constable [2013] QB 579. [29] Michael v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police [2015] UKSC 2. [30] Ibid, Michael v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police. [31] In the Matter of A (A Child) [2012] UKSC 60. [32] Ibid,In the Matter of A (A Child).
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