Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Government Should Help Students Pay For College Essay
Being able to attend and graduate college is a dream and the next step in life for many students. However, going to college and finishing school are two completely different things. There has been a decrease in students who completed college. Researchers are wondering, what is causing students to not finish schooling? There are many reasons and questions to why it could be affecting the completion of college rates. One of the main issue is the skyrocketing cost of college tuitions. Majority of students are having stress and anxiety for not being able to afford college. This result in having to take out a student loan and having to pay thousands of dollars after they graduate. The last thing students want for their future is having to work†¦show more content†¦Researchers found that with all these expenses, colleges are not spending roughly the same amount of money resulting in the rise of tuition cost. For example at public research Universities, spending increased close to three thousand dollars per full-time students (Matthew, 2013). The second reason that Matthew mentions is that the state government are cutting funds from education. He states that â€Å"the issue is that the schoolÊ »s are getting money they used to get from the government from students†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Schools are having to find different ways to bring money in such as fundraisers and donations. However, one of the main ways is that colleges have no choice but to increase tuition to provide funds for current spendings. Also, according to this article, Matthew explains how his mom graduated from University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1975 and during that time, tuition cost was around 322 dollars. She graduated with no debt and was able to pay for her tuition by working a part-time job. However, in today’s society it is completely different because working a part-time job will not be able to pay these high tuition cost. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Informative Speech On Organ Donation - 1915 Words
Did you know that 121,678 people are currently on lifesaving organ transplant lists and of that 121,678 people, 100,791 of them await kidney transplants? Stated in the Organ Donation and Transplantation statistics, thirteen people every day die waiting for that lifesaving kidney transplant. Thirteen people. While waiting for a kidney transplant, there were 4,761 patients that passed in 2014. Another 3,668 became too sick to be eligible for the transplant surgery. Prune Belly Syndrome, is a serious birth defect that causes your kidneys to fail. A boy was born with this syndrome and had to be put on dialysis one year after being born for 10 hours every day for two years. When the boy was three years old, he received a kidney donation from†¦show more content†¦Through this program, donors and recipients are matched by blood and tissue type and ran through the system. The more time spent on the transplant list, the more of a chance that a patient will receive a transplantation. This part of the system works well, the more severe a patient’s disease the more likely they will receive the transplant that they need but if we had more donors patients would not get to the point where they will die without a transplant soon. There just aren’t enough organs to go around from the donor list. The problem with the current system of the United States transplant service is simple. There just isn’t enough people willing to donate their kidney and not be given anything in return for the time that they took to donate a part of them. According to the Organ Donation and Transplantation Statistics, every month there are more than 3,000 patients that are being added to the kidney transplant list. Out of the 100,000 people on the kidney transplant list as of January 11th, 2016, only 17,000 kidney transplants took place. Around 11,500 of those transplants, the kidneys came from deceased donors and approximately 5,500 came from living donors. It’s not as though the other 83,000 patients will just magically get kidneys just for just being on the waitlist. No, they have to wait until someone feels generous or even dies to get the one thing that everyone is given two of at birth and onlyShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech on Organ Donations Essay932 Words  | 4 PagesSpeech Title: Organ Transplants General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: I want to educate my audience about organ donation matching process, the requirements to donate and to receive organs, and how donations can be found. Introduction: 1. Attention Getter: As defined by , an organ transplant is deemed an operation moving an organ from an organism (the donor) to another (the recipient). In the U.S. alone surgeons performed 5,273 liver transplants in 2008, accordingRead MoreInformative Speech Organ Donation and Transplant Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pagestwo hours someone dies waiting for an organ transplant. 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Temporary Work Programs for Contractual-
Question: Discuss about theTemporary Work Programs for Contractualand Seasonal. Answer: Introduction Temporary work also called temporary employment is a situation where the hours of work have been made limited according to the needs of the organization. The temporary employees are sometimes referred to as freelance, contractual and seasonal (Pirani Salvini, 2015). Temporary workers work full time or part time depending on the requirements of the organization. The temporary jobs are for a very short time which is usually not more than a month which is the major disadvantage of these programs. Moreover, the uncertainty and lack of social inclusions and interactions with the permanent employers are the causes why most people avoid to work as temporary workers. Discussion Most of the organizations provide seasonal employment. The employees have to work during the peak period of the organization. The peak periods are often coincided with the summer holidays or with other holidays. This results in the large number of workers to remain jobless for the rest of the year. The temporary workers are mostly excluded and the permanent workers are not very eager to contact with them. This results in social exclusion and the workers feel alienated not only with the workplace but also with their selves (Gebel, 2013). The Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) Program in Canada brings the workers from Mexico paying them nominal wages. The workers heave to for twice a year- once during the spring and again during the fall. If you want 100 Canadians, you have to hire 300, said Sikking. (Amuchastegui, 2018). There is much uncertainty in the temporary work programs. Though the temporary style of working provides flexible timing to the employees, many professionals feel uneasy to do this type of jobs. Moreover these works provide employment for a very short period of time. The employees are usually employed for not more than a month. Only few employing organizations provide employment for more than a month that might last not more than half a year round (Radjai et al., 2015). The workers associated with the SAW program heave to for twice a year- once during the spring and again during the fall. The workers are sent back to their home town at Mexico if they try to complaint against the farmers. The workers cannot return back to their homeland before expiry of half their tenure of work. In some cases when the workers return back, they have to pay back the airfare that the farmers have spend in order to bring them to Canada, which they are unable to pay. It is the most important and powerful cause that the workers do not quit their jobs. Its a tangible, positive example of what can happen when two parties agree to administer migration, given the need of one party for labour, and the need of the other party to provide jobs. Its a way to manage the phenomenon of migration without the risk associated with border crossing by indocumentados. (Amuchastegui, 2018). The permanent workers of an organization enjoy job security which the temporary workers normally lack. The contractual workers are not protected under the Employment Standards Act which the permanent workers enjoy. The contractual workers can terminated at any point of time as the organizations deems fit without providing any cause or notice. The workers might not get the payment he or she is supposed to get after the completion of his work at the organization. These workers cannot even complaint about the issues and risks he or she has to face in the organization and the employers while delivering his work (Yakimov Tavrizov, 2016). The farmers do not provide the workers the reasonable wages for their hard work. Even the government of Canada deduct a large sum of money in the form of taxes from the paycheques of the workers. The contractual workers migrating Canada do not receive the same privileges as the workers of Canada. To get certain social benefits, the workers have to be res ident of Canada. These contractual workers are not the residents of Canada and leave the country as soon as their work permits are expired. These workers are made to pay the EI premiums but do not receive the same. The workers have to return back to Mexico if they require any kind of health care facilities as they do not receive the same from their workplace at Canada. They promise things and dont deliver. Thats what he heard. (Amuchastegui, 2018). It can be suggested that the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) Program should provide equal EI to the residential workers of Canada and the Mexican workers who come to work in Canada. The medical conditions of the seasonal workers from Mexico should also be taken care of by the farmers. Many people consider the taking of the airfare by the farmers from the poor and hard working labours as unethical. Moreover, working for long hours leads to serious deterioration in the health conditions of the workers. It is the sole duty of the management of the program must look after the fact that the workers are not exploited for the benefits of the farmers. Conclusion Though the contractual work programs are advantageous for people, it has many disadvantages too. The main drawback of contractual work lies in the psychology of the workers. The workers feel that they are not worthy of doing permanent work and feel alienated and excluded from others. Besides, there is no job security and certainty regarding the working conditions and the tenure of the workers. Most of the time the contractual workers are exempted from the benefits received by the permanent workers. Hence, it can be concluded that the temporary working programs are disadvantageous than permanent work. References Amuchastegui, M. (2018).Maria Amuchastegui Farming It Retrieved 21 April 2018, from Gebel, M. (2013). Is a temporary job better than unemployment? A cross-country comparison based on British, German, and Swiss panel data.Schmollers Jahrbuch,133(2), 143-155. Pirani, E., Salvini, S. (2015). Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers.Social Science Medicine,124, 121-131. Radjai, T., Gaubert, J. P., Rahmani, L., Mekhilef, S. (2015). Experimental verification of PO MPPT algorithm with direct control based on Fuzzy logic control using CUK converter.International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,25(12), 3492-3508. Yakimov, A. S., Tavrizov, V. E. (2016). Licensing of Crude Hydrocarbons in Russiathe Current System, Its Problems and Disadvantages.GEORESURSY,18(1), 58-63.
Monday, December 2, 2019
William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems Essay Example
William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems Paper William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 is about a couple that have a very cynical relationship. The poet is saying he knows that he is old and no longer beautiful, and that she doesnt love him as much because of this, but he doesnt tell her this. Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Sonnet is a contrast to Sonnet 138 because this relationship is completely honest and open. The poet is writing about how important her lover is to her, even more important than God. Sonnet 138 written by William Shakespeare in the late 1590s, but was not published until 1609. The poem is about a man who is in a relationship with a much younger lady. Their relationship is very cynical and they are very untruthful to each other. The man knows his helper is lying to him and he thinks she doesnt realise this. The man is just as bad though, because he is also being deceitful to her. But he is happy leaving it that way. We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The sonnet is a Shakespearian sonnet, and is divided into 3 quatrains and a rhyming couplet. The first line of the poem gives us a faint idea of what the poem could be about, he says When my love swears that she is made of truth We know from this it is a lover telling us that his partner is promising she is truthful to him. It could also mean that the partner promises that she is virginal and pure. The writer soon makes a contradiction, because he does believe her, though I know she lies. He says that he believes her even though he knows she is lying, he could also be trying to fool himself into believing something that isnt true, so that he feels better. She might think that he is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and will believe anything she tells him, she might think me some untutord youth, She thinks this because she thinks he doesnt know about the truth, Unlearned in the worlds false subtleties backs this idea up. The next quatrain starts with the writer saying because of her lies and deception he is vainly thinking that she thinks me young, he is hoping that she really does think him young, he tries to make himself believe this, but it is hard for him since he knows that he is rather old, and she knows my days are past the best. He knows that it is obvious to her. It seems as if the man may have gave up thinking in vain as we can see from Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue he respects her for lying to make him feel better about himself, and because she lies so well. However he cannot be angry at her for lying to him, because On both sides thus is simple truth supprest. They are both lying to each other, and it would not be fair for him to blame it all on her. In the last quatrain he is wondering why she doesnt tell him that he is too old, But wherefore say not that I am old? He probably would not mind if she just went ahead and told him, but she might be afraid of the consequences. He doesnt mind the lying, he thinks loves best habit is in seeming trust, he seems to think that lying is a normal part of love and he says it is the best part of it. He could be trying to make himself believe that it is all a normal part of love so he does not feel bad. He then goes on to, in a way, disagree with himself, because he thinks age in love loves not to have years told he is saying love does not like to hear about the age difference. The rhyming couplet at the end sums up the poem, Therefore I lie with her, and she with me, can mean two things. The man lying to his wife and her lying to him, and the two still lying in bed together as a result of them not being truthful to each other and not breaking up. The last line, And in our faults by lies we flatterd be means that he is happy with the fact that they are both lying to each other, because it still makes him feel happy. Sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is very different to Shakespeares Sonnet 138 in the way that it is about a relationship based on pure everlasting love and trust, rather than dishonesty and lying to each other. Her love for her husband is so great that she compares it with her love for God, or maybe she sees him as God. She says that she loves him as much as possible, and her love for him will last forever. This is very unlike Sonnet 138 because in that it is about false love and deceptions. The poet was handicapped as a child, due to a horse riding accident; this made people think that she would be a failure, therefore being able to achieve nothing special in her life. This may have affected her, so maybe she wanted to prove them wrong. She may have started writing because of this. Then in 1845 she met and fell deeply in love with. Robert Browning, who she later married and ran away to Italy with. Meeting Robert Browning may have been another factor that affected her writing (definitely in this poem), and moving to Italy, seeing all the changes in relationships she would have seen. This is a petrarchan sonnet, divided into an octave and a sestet. The first line of the poem gives us a big clue on what the rest of the poem is about; she asks how does she love thee? then says let her count the ways. This shows she is going to list the many ways that she loves her husband, whereas in Sonnet 138 the poet is listing the faults in his relationship and the ways his partner lies to him. It also tells us there might be a lot of ways, because she has to count them. She loves him to the depth and breadth and height her soul can reach, she is saying that her love for him is so immense that it would fill up the whole universe if it were possible. Her use of all three dimensions emphasizes the feeling of everlasting, making the reader think of an infinite amount of space. The poem is given a spiritual feeling from her soul, giving a clue that the poem may be about spiritual, religious love as well. She loves him to the level of every days most quiet need, this could mean that during every little thing that she does everyday, she is thinking of him persistently by sun and candlelight. Sun and candlelight means during day and night, suggesting that she may stay awake at night think about him or dream about him. Candlelight also brings up the idea of spirituality again, because a candle is a strong Christian religious symbol. Her love for him is free and unleashed; she compares this freedom of love with men who strive for Right. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was strongly against the slave trade, and this could represent the slaves fighting with a passion for freedom. She says she loves him purely, and she compares this purity with the innocence of the slaves when they praise their gods for release. She uses all her love in her heart to love her husband and it is put to good use. Her love is pure and simple, she loves him with her childhoods faith. Children are supposed to have pure, innocent, simple minds, and she is saying that her love for him is simple, yet full of passion. The childhood aspect appears in Sonnet 138 as well, but instead meaning a childs gullibility, showing a negative feeling rather than the positive one shown in this poem. This could also mean with all the breath, smiles, tears she has lost in the past she has lost all her old griefs, which makes her love him more. She ends it with saying that she will love thee better after death. This shows the religious love again, she obviously believes in heaven, therefore God. She might also see her husband as a god. This poem is a big contrast to Sonnet 138 because the poet is exploring the idea of the lovers being in an honest relationship and their love is true and everlasting. Whereas in Sonnet 138 the poet has explored the idea of a relationship being based on lies and the lovers are not really sure if their love is true love. From analyzing and comparing these two poems, contrasts and similarities can be made. The main similarity is that the two poems are about love within a relationship. The main contrast is that Sonnet is about positive feelings towards the partner and Sonnet 138 is about negative feelings towards the partner. Sonnet uses positive language like purely, freely, and passion which show feelings and emotions of pure love, and religious imagery is used, like soul, Grace, candlelight, and praise which emphasizes the feeling of love by comparing it with her love for her religion and God. Sonnet 138 on the other hand uses language that shows negative feelings, like lies, false, unjust, and untutord. All these words show negative feelings, giving the whole poem a dark feeling to it. To summarize, Sonnet is a positive poem focusing on the positive side of love, and Sonnet 138 is a negative poem focusing on the negative side of love.
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