Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Government Should Help Students Pay For College Essay
Being able to attend and graduate college is a dream and the next step in life for many students. However, going to college and finishing school are two completely different things. There has been a decrease in students who completed college. Researchers are wondering, what is causing students to not finish schooling? There are many reasons and questions to why it could be affecting the completion of college rates. One of the main issue is the skyrocketing cost of college tuitions. Majority of students are having stress and anxiety for not being able to afford college. This result in having to take out a student loan and having to pay thousands of dollars after they graduate. The last thing students want for their future is having to work†¦show more content†¦Researchers found that with all these expenses, colleges are not spending roughly the same amount of money resulting in the rise of tuition cost. For example at public research Universities, spending increased close to three thousand dollars per full-time students (Matthew, 2013). The second reason that Matthew mentions is that the state government are cutting funds from education. He states that â€Å"the issue is that the schoolÊ »s are getting money they used to get from the government from students†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Schools are having to find different ways to bring money in such as fundraisers and donations. However, one of the main ways is that colleges have no choice but to increase tuition to provide funds for current spendings. Also, according to this article, Matthew explains how his mom graduated from University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1975 and during that time, tuition cost was around 322 dollars. She graduated with no debt and was able to pay for her tuition by working a part-time job. However, in today’s society it is completely different because working a part-time job will not be able to pay these high tuition cost. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Informative Speech On Organ Donation - 1915 Words
Did you know that 121,678 people are currently on lifesaving organ transplant lists and of that 121,678 people, 100,791 of them await kidney transplants? Stated in the Organ Donation and Transplantation statistics, thirteen people every day die waiting for that lifesaving kidney transplant. Thirteen people. While waiting for a kidney transplant, there were 4,761 patients that passed in 2014. Another 3,668 became too sick to be eligible for the transplant surgery. Prune Belly Syndrome, is a serious birth defect that causes your kidneys to fail. A boy was born with this syndrome and had to be put on dialysis one year after being born for 10 hours every day for two years. When the boy was three years old, he received a kidney donation from†¦show more content†¦Through this program, donors and recipients are matched by blood and tissue type and ran through the system. The more time spent on the transplant list, the more of a chance that a patient will receive a transplantation. This part of the system works well, the more severe a patient’s disease the more likely they will receive the transplant that they need but if we had more donors patients would not get to the point where they will die without a transplant soon. There just aren’t enough organs to go around from the donor list. The problem with the current system of the United States transplant service is simple. There just isn’t enough people willing to donate their kidney and not be given anything in return for the time that they took to donate a part of them. According to the Organ Donation and Transplantation Statistics, every month there are more than 3,000 patients that are being added to the kidney transplant list. Out of the 100,000 people on the kidney transplant list as of January 11th, 2016, only 17,000 kidney transplants took place. Around 11,500 of those transplants, the kidneys came from deceased donors and approximately 5,500 came from living donors. It’s not as though the other 83,000 patients will just magically get kidneys just for just being on the waitlist. No, they have to wait until someone feels generous or even dies to get the one thing that everyone is given two of at birth and onlyShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech on Organ Donations Essay932 Words  | 4 PagesSpeech Title: Organ Transplants General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: I want to educate my audience about organ donation matching process, the requirements to donate and to receive organs, and how donations can be found. Introduction: 1. Attention Getter: As defined by , an organ transplant is deemed an operation moving an organ from an organism (the donor) to another (the recipient). In the U.S. alone surgeons performed 5,273 liver transplants in 2008, accordingRead MoreInformative Speech Organ Donation and Transplant Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pagestwo hours someone dies waiting for an organ transplant. 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ. One organ donor can save up to 8 lives. . THE NEED IS REAL In Jan 2006 I began to lose my eyesight. A year later I became a candidate for cornea tissue transplant. I am a cornea tissue transplant recipient. As a result I felt is necessary to inform you about the history and facts on organ donation and transplantation. C. Audience Adaptation – Organ transplantation represents a unique partnershipRead MoreBlood Donation Essay935 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech Your Name: Tyra Manning-Grate Organization: Topical pattern. Topic: Blood Donation Rhetorical Purpose: To inform my audience on what to expect with blood donation. Redemptive Purpose: To inform my audience how the process of blood donation is simple but life changing for someone else. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Temporary Work Programs for Contractual-
Question: Discuss about theTemporary Work Programs for Contractualand Seasonal. Answer: Introduction Temporary work also called temporary employment is a situation where the hours of work have been made limited according to the needs of the organization. The temporary employees are sometimes referred to as freelance, contractual and seasonal (Pirani Salvini, 2015). Temporary workers work full time or part time depending on the requirements of the organization. The temporary jobs are for a very short time which is usually not more than a month which is the major disadvantage of these programs. Moreover, the uncertainty and lack of social inclusions and interactions with the permanent employers are the causes why most people avoid to work as temporary workers. Discussion Most of the organizations provide seasonal employment. The employees have to work during the peak period of the organization. The peak periods are often coincided with the summer holidays or with other holidays. This results in the large number of workers to remain jobless for the rest of the year. The temporary workers are mostly excluded and the permanent workers are not very eager to contact with them. This results in social exclusion and the workers feel alienated not only with the workplace but also with their selves (Gebel, 2013). The Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) Program in Canada brings the workers from Mexico paying them nominal wages. The workers heave to for twice a year- once during the spring and again during the fall. If you want 100 Canadians, you have to hire 300, said Sikking. (Amuchastegui, 2018). There is much uncertainty in the temporary work programs. Though the temporary style of working provides flexible timing to the employees, many professionals feel uneasy to do this type of jobs. Moreover these works provide employment for a very short period of time. The employees are usually employed for not more than a month. Only few employing organizations provide employment for more than a month that might last not more than half a year round (Radjai et al., 2015). The workers associated with the SAW program heave to for twice a year- once during the spring and again during the fall. The workers are sent back to their home town at Mexico if they try to complaint against the farmers. The workers cannot return back to their homeland before expiry of half their tenure of work. In some cases when the workers return back, they have to pay back the airfare that the farmers have spend in order to bring them to Canada, which they are unable to pay. It is the most important and powerful cause that the workers do not quit their jobs. Its a tangible, positive example of what can happen when two parties agree to administer migration, given the need of one party for labour, and the need of the other party to provide jobs. Its a way to manage the phenomenon of migration without the risk associated with border crossing by indocumentados. (Amuchastegui, 2018). The permanent workers of an organization enjoy job security which the temporary workers normally lack. The contractual workers are not protected under the Employment Standards Act which the permanent workers enjoy. The contractual workers can terminated at any point of time as the organizations deems fit without providing any cause or notice. The workers might not get the payment he or she is supposed to get after the completion of his work at the organization. These workers cannot even complaint about the issues and risks he or she has to face in the organization and the employers while delivering his work (Yakimov Tavrizov, 2016). The farmers do not provide the workers the reasonable wages for their hard work. Even the government of Canada deduct a large sum of money in the form of taxes from the paycheques of the workers. The contractual workers migrating Canada do not receive the same privileges as the workers of Canada. To get certain social benefits, the workers have to be res ident of Canada. These contractual workers are not the residents of Canada and leave the country as soon as their work permits are expired. These workers are made to pay the EI premiums but do not receive the same. The workers have to return back to Mexico if they require any kind of health care facilities as they do not receive the same from their workplace at Canada. They promise things and dont deliver. Thats what he heard. (Amuchastegui, 2018). It can be suggested that the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) Program should provide equal EI to the residential workers of Canada and the Mexican workers who come to work in Canada. The medical conditions of the seasonal workers from Mexico should also be taken care of by the farmers. Many people consider the taking of the airfare by the farmers from the poor and hard working labours as unethical. Moreover, working for long hours leads to serious deterioration in the health conditions of the workers. It is the sole duty of the management of the program must look after the fact that the workers are not exploited for the benefits of the farmers. Conclusion Though the contractual work programs are advantageous for people, it has many disadvantages too. The main drawback of contractual work lies in the psychology of the workers. The workers feel that they are not worthy of doing permanent work and feel alienated and excluded from others. Besides, there is no job security and certainty regarding the working conditions and the tenure of the workers. Most of the time the contractual workers are exempted from the benefits received by the permanent workers. Hence, it can be concluded that the temporary working programs are disadvantageous than permanent work. References Amuchastegui, M. (2018).Maria Amuchastegui Farming It Retrieved 21 April 2018, from Gebel, M. (2013). Is a temporary job better than unemployment? A cross-country comparison based on British, German, and Swiss panel data.Schmollers Jahrbuch,133(2), 143-155. Pirani, E., Salvini, S. (2015). Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers.Social Science Medicine,124, 121-131. Radjai, T., Gaubert, J. P., Rahmani, L., Mekhilef, S. (2015). Experimental verification of PO MPPT algorithm with direct control based on Fuzzy logic control using CUK converter.International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,25(12), 3492-3508. Yakimov, A. S., Tavrizov, V. E. (2016). Licensing of Crude Hydrocarbons in Russiathe Current System, Its Problems and Disadvantages.GEORESURSY,18(1), 58-63.
Monday, December 2, 2019
William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems Essay Example
William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems Paper William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 is about a couple that have a very cynical relationship. The poet is saying he knows that he is old and no longer beautiful, and that she doesnt love him as much because of this, but he doesnt tell her this. Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Sonnet is a contrast to Sonnet 138 because this relationship is completely honest and open. The poet is writing about how important her lover is to her, even more important than God. Sonnet 138 written by William Shakespeare in the late 1590s, but was not published until 1609. The poem is about a man who is in a relationship with a much younger lady. Their relationship is very cynical and they are very untruthful to each other. The man knows his helper is lying to him and he thinks she doesnt realise this. The man is just as bad though, because he is also being deceitful to her. But he is happy leaving it that way. We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on William Shakespeares Sonnet 138 Comparing love in two poems specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The sonnet is a Shakespearian sonnet, and is divided into 3 quatrains and a rhyming couplet. The first line of the poem gives us a faint idea of what the poem could be about, he says When my love swears that she is made of truth We know from this it is a lover telling us that his partner is promising she is truthful to him. It could also mean that the partner promises that she is virginal and pure. The writer soon makes a contradiction, because he does believe her, though I know she lies. He says that he believes her even though he knows she is lying, he could also be trying to fool himself into believing something that isnt true, so that he feels better. She might think that he is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and will believe anything she tells him, she might think me some untutord youth, She thinks this because she thinks he doesnt know about the truth, Unlearned in the worlds false subtleties backs this idea up. The next quatrain starts with the writer saying because of her lies and deception he is vainly thinking that she thinks me young, he is hoping that she really does think him young, he tries to make himself believe this, but it is hard for him since he knows that he is rather old, and she knows my days are past the best. He knows that it is obvious to her. It seems as if the man may have gave up thinking in vain as we can see from Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue he respects her for lying to make him feel better about himself, and because she lies so well. However he cannot be angry at her for lying to him, because On both sides thus is simple truth supprest. They are both lying to each other, and it would not be fair for him to blame it all on her. In the last quatrain he is wondering why she doesnt tell him that he is too old, But wherefore say not that I am old? He probably would not mind if she just went ahead and told him, but she might be afraid of the consequences. He doesnt mind the lying, he thinks loves best habit is in seeming trust, he seems to think that lying is a normal part of love and he says it is the best part of it. He could be trying to make himself believe that it is all a normal part of love so he does not feel bad. He then goes on to, in a way, disagree with himself, because he thinks age in love loves not to have years told he is saying love does not like to hear about the age difference. The rhyming couplet at the end sums up the poem, Therefore I lie with her, and she with me, can mean two things. The man lying to his wife and her lying to him, and the two still lying in bed together as a result of them not being truthful to each other and not breaking up. The last line, And in our faults by lies we flatterd be means that he is happy with the fact that they are both lying to each other, because it still makes him feel happy. Sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is very different to Shakespeares Sonnet 138 in the way that it is about a relationship based on pure everlasting love and trust, rather than dishonesty and lying to each other. Her love for her husband is so great that she compares it with her love for God, or maybe she sees him as God. She says that she loves him as much as possible, and her love for him will last forever. This is very unlike Sonnet 138 because in that it is about false love and deceptions. The poet was handicapped as a child, due to a horse riding accident; this made people think that she would be a failure, therefore being able to achieve nothing special in her life. This may have affected her, so maybe she wanted to prove them wrong. She may have started writing because of this. Then in 1845 she met and fell deeply in love with. Robert Browning, who she later married and ran away to Italy with. Meeting Robert Browning may have been another factor that affected her writing (definitely in this poem), and moving to Italy, seeing all the changes in relationships she would have seen. This is a petrarchan sonnet, divided into an octave and a sestet. The first line of the poem gives us a big clue on what the rest of the poem is about; she asks how does she love thee? then says let her count the ways. This shows she is going to list the many ways that she loves her husband, whereas in Sonnet 138 the poet is listing the faults in his relationship and the ways his partner lies to him. It also tells us there might be a lot of ways, because she has to count them. She loves him to the depth and breadth and height her soul can reach, she is saying that her love for him is so immense that it would fill up the whole universe if it were possible. Her use of all three dimensions emphasizes the feeling of everlasting, making the reader think of an infinite amount of space. The poem is given a spiritual feeling from her soul, giving a clue that the poem may be about spiritual, religious love as well. She loves him to the level of every days most quiet need, this could mean that during every little thing that she does everyday, she is thinking of him persistently by sun and candlelight. Sun and candlelight means during day and night, suggesting that she may stay awake at night think about him or dream about him. Candlelight also brings up the idea of spirituality again, because a candle is a strong Christian religious symbol. Her love for him is free and unleashed; she compares this freedom of love with men who strive for Right. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was strongly against the slave trade, and this could represent the slaves fighting with a passion for freedom. She says she loves him purely, and she compares this purity with the innocence of the slaves when they praise their gods for release. She uses all her love in her heart to love her husband and it is put to good use. Her love is pure and simple, she loves him with her childhoods faith. Children are supposed to have pure, innocent, simple minds, and she is saying that her love for him is simple, yet full of passion. The childhood aspect appears in Sonnet 138 as well, but instead meaning a childs gullibility, showing a negative feeling rather than the positive one shown in this poem. This could also mean with all the breath, smiles, tears she has lost in the past she has lost all her old griefs, which makes her love him more. She ends it with saying that she will love thee better after death. This shows the religious love again, she obviously believes in heaven, therefore God. She might also see her husband as a god. This poem is a big contrast to Sonnet 138 because the poet is exploring the idea of the lovers being in an honest relationship and their love is true and everlasting. Whereas in Sonnet 138 the poet has explored the idea of a relationship being based on lies and the lovers are not really sure if their love is true love. From analyzing and comparing these two poems, contrasts and similarities can be made. The main similarity is that the two poems are about love within a relationship. The main contrast is that Sonnet is about positive feelings towards the partner and Sonnet 138 is about negative feelings towards the partner. Sonnet uses positive language like purely, freely, and passion which show feelings and emotions of pure love, and religious imagery is used, like soul, Grace, candlelight, and praise which emphasizes the feeling of love by comparing it with her love for her religion and God. Sonnet 138 on the other hand uses language that shows negative feelings, like lies, false, unjust, and untutord. All these words show negative feelings, giving the whole poem a dark feeling to it. To summarize, Sonnet is a positive poem focusing on the positive side of love, and Sonnet 138 is a negative poem focusing on the negative side of love.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
5 Cases of Mistaken Meaning Cured by a Comma
5 Cases of Mistaken Meaning Cured by a Comma 5 Cases of Mistaken Meaning Cured by a Comma 5 Cases of Mistaken Meaning Cured by a Comma By Mark Nichol A simple lesson about the strength of the mighty little comma can be learned by noting the difference in meaning that results depending on its presence or absence at the end of a parenthetical phrase. More specifically, in the types of sentences shown below, when an attributive phrase one that identifies the source of the information provided in the framing sentence is inserted in the midst of the sentence and a comma precedes the interjection but none follows it, what is said is often not equivalent to what is meant: 1. â€Å"Every nine years, it was decreed that the fragment must be conveyed to another place of sanctuary.†The point of this sentence is that an action is described as having occurred every nine years, and that this action was decreed. That latter detail is the content of the attributive phrase. But without a comma closing the interjection, the implication is that the decree was issued every nine years. However, what the sentence means is that a decree was issued requiring the action to occur every nine years that’s a much different idea, and this slightly revised sentence correctly expresses it: â€Å"Every nine years, it was decreed, the fragment must be conveyed to another place of sanctuary.†2. â€Å"By the end of the century, estimates are that one in three people will be living in poverty.†This sentence is not as far afield from the intended meaning as the original sentence in the previous example, but it does suggest that such estimates will be released by the end of the century, rather than that current estimates predict the stated outcome. This revision states the point more clearly: â€Å"By the end of the century, estimates are, one in three people will be living in poverty.†3. â€Å"Instead of embracing our civil rights future, the commission’s report says the Bush administration has begun backsliding into the past.†At first glance, this sentence seems to have the same not-quite-right structure of the second example, but it actually introduces a serious miscommunication. The suggestion is that the commission report, not the Bush administration, is failing to embrace our civil rights future, and that the commission is making the statement in place of that responsibility. The mere insertion of a comma sets the sentence right (in this case, an optional that is not included, so no deletion of same is necessary): â€Å"Instead of embracing our civil rights future, the commission’s report says, the Bush administration has begun backsliding into the past.†4. â€Å"Up to my junior year at the University of Michigan, I am forced to admit that I had always tried to get A’s.†The writer, this sentence suggests, was forced to make an admission until reaching their third year of college, at which time the confession was no longer required (but in that case, am should be replaced by was). But the admission is parenthetical to a different thought, which is that the writer strove for the highest letter grade for only their first two years in higher education: â€Å"Up to my junior year at the University of Michigan, I am forced to admit, I had always tried to get A’s.†5. â€Å"As far back as his childhood, he told me he had wanted to be a scientist.†As punctuated, this sentence tells the reader that the would-be scientist had shared his ambition with the writer since the other person had been a child. If this is what the writer means, the beginning of the second part of the sentence should include had (â€Å"he had told me†). But if the writer is relating what the other person had shared more recently about his childhood goal, a comma should follow me to set off the attributive phrase â€Å"he told me†: â€Å"As far back as his childhood, he told me, he had wanted to be a scientist.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire YouNominalized Verbs
Saturday, November 23, 2019
10 of the Most Annoying Things about Working in Retail
10 of the Most Annoying Things about Working in Retail Even if you love your career in retail, the common truth is that it can really be a thankless job. It’s wrongly considered a job that â€Å"anyone†could do, but it takes a lot of stamina, skills, and smarts to juggle the many elements of the gig successfully, and with grace. Here are some of the biggest annoyances that often come with retail gigs.1. â€Å"The Customer is Always Right.†That’s just not true. You’ve seen rude customers in stores before, right? As the poor employee working behind the counter, you have to smile and appease that rude person. You have to keep your cool while being berated. It’s hospitality under fire. And if a customer walks in five minutes before you’re scheduled to close, then that’s your problem.2. Working Double ShiftsYou’ll often have to work a 12 to 16 hour shift†¦ for minimum wage. And you’ll be standing. The whole time. And a lot of opening hours are early. That means you need to be there two and a half hours prior to open to make sure inventory is done and things are spic and span.3. Old PeopleOld people are lovely, but sometimes someone will come in and pay with a combination of pennies and coupons that they dig out of their purse. Meanwhile the line backs up around the aisles or denim displays and the other customers are growing increasingly irate.4. The SoundtrackSeriously. You get sick of the music within five minutes of shopping. Imagine having to listen to it for hours on end, day after day, month after month.5. Mandatory â€Å"Uniforms†You can’t afford the clothes you sell, even with the 10% employee discount, but still you’re required to wear them. Maybe the company should be required to pay you more, hmm?6. Working HolidaysYou know how you look forward to holidays and three-day weekends and vacations? Yeah, you don’t get those in retail. Because those stores never close. The world doesn’t care if you are fasting for Ramadan, or missing Christmas dinner. You’re working.7. Being Treated Like You’re InvisibleCustomers, even nice customers will often treat you like you aren’t a real person. They’ll be on their phones. They’ll be mumbling at you like you aren’t human. They certainly don’t bother looking at your name tag to ask how your day is going.8. Silly RulesSometimes your company will require you to show up 10 minutes before your shift starts- but won’t compensate you. Sometimes they make stupid rules like outlawing talking between employees. Like that makes employees more positive in their demeanor.9. Misplaced AngerCustomers hold you personally responsible when things run out of stock. Do they realize you’re not the one that does the ordering? They also get mad if an item was put back on a sale rack by accident, but gets rung up at full price.10. The Pile of Clothes in the Dressing RoomSeriously. Theyâ€⠄¢re not even right-side out.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Lying v. Misleading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Lying v. Misleading - Essay Example Philosophers have not only tried to characterize the difference between lies and misleading statements, but also have debated over the moral significance of each kind of utterance. Therefore, the two main question s are what speech act is required for lying, as opposed to being misleading; and what is the moral difference between the two acts of speech. One theory, from a linguistic point of view, according to Stokke (2), is that there are different ways of conveying information, which means, in turn, that there is a difference in the speech acts involved in both misleading and lying. When one is lying, the mode of communication is saying. This means that lying requires saying something, and being misleading is conveying information without coming right out and saying it. The example that Stokke (1) gave was a person who is looking forward to going to a party that evening after work. Another person, a co-worker, comes up and says that she doesn't want to go to the party unless person A is going. To which, person A simply says â€Å"I have to work.†But person A is actually going to be going to the party. This is misleading, because A implies that she wouldn't be going to the party by her statement. But she wasn't lying – she did have to work that day. Lying would mean that person A would come right out and say â€Å"no, I am not going to go the party tonight,†when she really is. As it was, the scenario was an example of merely misleading person B. Green (160) makes the distinction between lying and misleading by stating that lying is telling a false statement, while misleading involves stating something that is true, but is calculated to draw the inference of a lie. Stokke (348) further makes distinctions between lying and misleading, and the ethical implications of each. Someone might lie without the intent to deceive. This is because there are reasons for lying that do not have to do with deception. For instance, a person can lie on the witness stand because he fears reprisals, not that he wants to deceive everybody. This is especially true when it is clear that he did see the murder, or whatever it is that he is lying about on the witness stand. He knows that he isn't deceiving anybody, and that was never his intent. Rather, his intent was to simply secure his own safety or the safety of others who he might be protecting as well. Therefore, some philosophers have attempted to craft categories of lying where there is not an intent to deceive, such as the case above. In this definition, a lie is a lie even if there is not an attempt to deceive, as long as there is a warrant for the truth (Stokke, 349). Since one can warrant for the truth, while knowing that the statement is false, even if that person did not intend to deceive, then this would still be considered to be a lie. Therefore, there does not necessarily have to be an intent to deceive for the statement to be considered to be a lie (Stokke, 349). This would contradict the basic formula which is put in place by Stokke (348), which is that a person lies a person A makes a knowing false statement to person B, and there is also an intention to deceive person B. This somewhat complicates the ethical consequences of a lie, according to Stokke (350). this is because there is one traditional school of thought that lying is morally wrong when one intends to deceive. But, if there is not an attempt at deception, is this lie morally wrong? Stokke (350) states that it still is morally wrong, even if the person does not intend to deceive, and, in fact, deceives nobody (such as the witness to the murder, when that witness was caught on tape actually witnessing the murder. He doesn't intend to deceive
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Micro & Macro Economic Analysis - Electronic Arts Coursework
Micro & Macro Economic Analysis - Electronic Arts - Coursework Example Similarly if one variable falls, the other is destined too as well. Today In the modern world, the theory of demand and supply seizes more emphases of business analysts in decision making. Demand and Supply theory in the modern world of fierce competition enfolds a great deal of attention for strategic planning to achieve competitive advantage over rivals. The phrase â€Å"Demand and Supply†was first used by James Denham-Steuart in his book named â€Å"Inquiry into the Political Economy†which was published in 1767 (Steuart Denham et al, 1966). The theory discussed above is supplemented by the characteristics of the market in which the company exits. Conventionally there are four basic types of market structures. Perfect competition: such markets have many buyers and sellers, none being able to influence prices. Oligopoly: several large sellers who have some control over the prices. Monopoly: single seller with considerable control over supply and prices. Monopsony: single buyer with considerable control over demand and prices. The company with its gaming products operates in the Oligopolistic environment. Where there are several large producers but have a tendency to dominate major markets across the globe and influence some change in prices (Sloman, 2010). The concept of elasticity comes into play here. Elasticity is the measurement of how changing one economic variable affects the other. Elasticity of demand can be of three basic types; Price elasticity of demand – measuring the dynamics of the quantity demanded by the change in price. Income elasticity of demand – measures the dynamics of quantity demanded by changes in consumer income. Cross elasticity of demand – measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded by changes in price of another good. The concept in itself is a complete strategy. When ascertaining price of a product these elasticity’s should be kept in mind (Sloman, 2010). A detailed analysis of the Micro and Macroeconomic environment of Electronic Arts Inc is conducted below in detail, to explain the subject without obstruction. MICROECONOMIC ANALYSIS The demand and Supply theory as discussed above are amongst issues one needs to cater before planning product launch, indulging in price war s and budgeting for marketing. As the demand and supply curve has serious implications on the pricing strategies being adopted, there should be reasonable understanding of the subject matter before decisions are made. For the purpose of explaining the subject effortlessly, let’s consider the example of the world’s largest video game developer Electronic Arts, Inc. Electronic Arts (the company) is America’s largest developer, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games. The company has a well diversified portfolio of products and geographical presence all over the globe. Under such circumstances the demand and supply implications are more severe for planning purposes as different conditions will be faced by the business analyst across geographical horizons. (Electronic Arts, 2011) Demand and supply has remained unchanged and unchallenged till date. There has always been a gap in the demand and su
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Argument of Elite Theorists Essay Example for Free
The Argument of Elite Theorists Essay In order to assess how useful this view is, we must first look at the differing factions operating within the framework of elite theory. On doing this it will become apparent within the scope of Government, that this view is outdated and riddled with flaws. Elite theory originally developed from the work of Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto, two italian sociologists writing at the turn of the last century. Pareto argued that, in the course of history, different leadership qualities are required in order to adapt society to changed circumstances. Essentially, two types of person can be distinguished, lions and foxes, the former, according to Pareto are stolid and forceful, willing to use violence. The latter are basically sly, wheeler-dealer types. One or other type will rule as long as it can cope with the political and economic problems facing it; but in certain circumstances their particular qualities will be insufficient for the task in hand, and they will be deposed by the other group. Pareto describes this process as the circulation of elites, which rise and fall through a combination of psychological aptitudes and historical circumstances, irrespective of the economic or social structure of society. There are many flaws in Paretos work, but the main ones must centre on his inability to explain the origins of the elites rise to power, and his classification of people into two -and only two-psychological types (S.MOORE,1995). The belief that a superior group forms a ruling elite underlies Moscas(1939) writings too, and it is this superiority that he sees leading the elite to power in the first place. Once there, the elite continues to rule, not solely because it is superior but also through its relatively small membership, which makes it far better organised than the mass of the population. Pareto fails to provide a method of measuring and distinguishing betwwen the supposedly superior qualities of elites. He simply assumes that the qualities of the elite are superior to those of the mass. His criterion for distinguishing between lions and foxes is merely his own interpretation of the style of elite rule (HARALAMBOS HOLBORN,1990). Whereas Pareto and Mosca attempted to provide a general theory to explain the nature and distribution of power in all societies, the American sociologist C.Wright Mills presents a less ambitious and wide-ranging version of elite theory. He limits his analysis to American society in the 1950s. Unlike the early elite theorists, Mills does not believe that elite rule is inevitable: in fact he sees it as a fairly recent development in the U.S.A. Unlike Pareto, who rather cynically accepts the domination of the masses by elites, Mills soundly condemns it. Since he sees elite rule as based upon the exploitation of the masses, he adopts a conflict version of elite theory (HARALAMBOS HOLBORN,1990). Robert A.Dahl has criticised Mills from a pluralist perspective. He has claimed that Mills has simply shown that the power elite has potential for control. Dahl argues, the potential for control is not equivalent to actual control. Dahl maintains that actual control can only be shown to exist by examination of a series of concrete cases where key decisions are made: decisions on taxation and expenditures, subsidies, welfare progrmas, military policy and so on. Dahl claims that by omitting to investigate a range of key decisions, Mills and also like-minded British sociologists have failed to establish where actual control lies. As a result Dahl argues that the case for a power elite remains unproven (HARALAMBOS HOLBORN, 1990). Since the British variant of power elite theory(the idea of a socially and culturally cohesive establishment) was first asserted in the 1950s, it has decreased rather than gained in plausibility. This is first, because British politics has become more polarised, more open and more democratic. It became more polarised in the 1970s, as large differences between major parties displaced consensus. In these circumstances, it became virtually impossible to maintain that elections did not alter things much, and even more difficult after the general election of 1979. Clearly, the advent of Mrs Thatcher changed things a great deal. Second, British government became more open and less secretive. This happened more by inadvertence than design and it was usually resisted by governments of the day. Nonetheless by the 1980s, the public were far more aware of what went on in the inner counsels of the Cabinet and in the Whitehall village than was the case a generation previously. The publication of politicians diaries and memoirs(Richard Crossman, Barbara Castle), leaks by civil servants(Clive Ponting) and the revelations of goings-on within the secret services by people like Peter Wright provided fascinating if somewhat selective glimpses of power in the inner sanctums of government and made its mysteries less mysterious. Finally, as we have seen, certain important sectors of British society became more democratic. In political parties, members played an increasing role in the election of leaders and the selection of party candidates; in trade unions, balloting on the choice of leaders and on strike decisions became the norm. The increasing hold of television on society tended to promote both greater openess and greater democracy -not least by providing continual public demonstrations that, far from being cohesive and untied, the so-called establishment spoke with many, often sharply divergent, voices (COXALL ROBINS,1989). The overall count against the notion of an establishment in Britain is clear; it is neither united, nor -in an age of revelations and media coverage- mysterious, nor-and most important of all -free from popular control. It is a myth.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Creation and Evolution: An Eternal Debate Essay -- essays research pap
Creation and Evolution: An Eternal Debate      Many people have tried to reconcile the differences between creationism and Darwinism but few have succeeded. Any religious debate is seen as a very sensitive subject and the discussion about the foundations of certain religions generally becomes difficult. Darwinism, in relation to religious beliefs can become controversial; some say they can coexist and some say they cannot. Darwinism was not intended to be anti-religious, but religious activist have criticized the belief since On The Origin of Species was published in 1859. Common ground between the two subjects is a very rough place, but it can be achieved. Reconciliation between the subjects has been achieved but few are standing by it because even the compromise is controversial.      The beliefs of Charles Robert Darwin, as shown in his book On the Origin of Species, are controversial religiously and have been debated since its’ publication. Darwin writes â€Å"I see no good reason why the views given in this volume should shock the religious feelings of any one†(Darwin 329). This was not how religious activists saw the book; they attacked Darwin’s beliefs and stated it is in opposition of some religious beliefs. Darwinism is based on the basic belief of ‘natural selection’ and ‘survival of the fittest’. These are not separate thoughts when it comes right down to it. According to Darwin, the idea of ‘natural selection’ states that animals adapt slowly in accordance to their environment, and their DNA adjusts throughout generations. At first glance, this seems like a logical, non-controversial topic, but Creationist believe that â€Å"†¦all species were created by God and had not changed biologically†(Hirschberg 321). This is where the conflict comes in to play. Darwin believes that genes can mutate and change over generations to better adapt to environment. This belief has since been overturned by modern evolutionists. Hirschberg put it this way: â€Å"Today, evolutionists believe that mutations in genes produce the variations that natural forces select for survival. And, indeed, geneticists have traced ancestral relationships among species from the presence of similar molecular structures and DNA patterns†(Hirschberg 321). Instead of only bettering the species, the DNA shifts and the stronger of the species ... ...; there are others that rebel against the compromise. Overall not many have gotten very far in the compromise process and it does not seem promising. Works Cited Berra, Tim M. Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press. 1990. Darwin, Robert Charles. Past to Present: Ideas That Changed Our World. Ed. Stuart and      Terry Hirschberg. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. Davis, Edward B. â€Å"The Christian Century†. Chicago. Jul 15 – Jul 22. 1998. Vol 115,      Iss. 20; pg. 678. Hirschberg, Stuart and Terry, ed. Past to Present: Ideas That Changed Our World.      Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2003. Holy Bible: New Living Translation. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois. Housley, Kathleen. â€Å"The Christian Century†. Chicago. Jun 19- Jun 26, 2002. Vol. 119,      Iss. 13; pg. 39. Pope, Stephen J. â€Å"The Christian Century†. Chicago. Jul 13, 2004. Vol. 121, Iss. 14;      pg. 38.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Internship Paper Essay
My role with the _____ County circuit courts varies pretty much daily. Originally I was assigned to circuit court three. As it turns out though, they have had a high school intern coming since the beginning of the semester also, who is interning for a class she has. I believe she comes in three times a week. In addition to this, they have a â€Å"floater†who rotates through all of the courts, there are seven, so they have more than enough help in their court. Most days when I go in, I start in court three, and then end up going to court services to help the ladies out there. When I am in court three, I basically do the filing that has accumulated throughout the day. Depending on the day, and if the other intern or the floater has been there, there might be anywhere from ten minutes to an hour’s worth of filing to do. After this is done, I might â€Å"pull the mail,†meaning pull any files that correspond with mail the court has received. These might be warrants, certified mail, requests to continue, follow up letters referencing a court case, etc. A few times, when there has been a computer available, I have been able to enter information into the JUSTIS system, mostly through certified mail cards. Sometimes I would enter information for small claims cases, and then if the attorney or plaintiff/defendant would need copies of the information, I would mail those out. I would say the majority of my time spent at the courts was spent in court services though. Here I would do a lot of work for Mary, who is in charge of juvenile cases. A few weeks ago, I did many spreadsheets with data about juveniles who were either in detention centers, or placed in treatment centers, ranging from 1998-2002. She has to have record of this and needed the material in an organized data format, so I did a lot of that. I’ve also made many calls to agencies to see their â€Å"per diem†rates, or rates for those placed in those facilities per day that they stay. Another project I have done for Mary was tracking her mileage as she has traveled from facility to facility to visit the juveniles placed there. These facilities are located in various other places around the state, so she often has to travel long distances to make these trips, and needs to track her mileage for record and compensation. These records also went back to I believe 1998 or 1999, and were recorded to the present date, so there was much tracking I had to do to figure out her total mileage per day, and then per year. I’ve also worked several times with Lisa helping her. She is in charge of jurors and jury duty. She sends out notices once a month to those who are being called for jury duty for that month. I have helped her sort these names, put together the notices, and get them sent out to the potential jurors. This is a big job, as when it comes time to do it, she usually has boxes and boxes of notices needing to be sent out. Something else I have done for court services would be to take their daily outgoing mail and run it through the postage machine to be sent out. This must happen about 5-6 times a day would be my guess. I have only done this a few times, but each time I have gone back, there was a replenished supply to be sent out. Also, sometimes I would take documents that needed to be mailed out from circuit court three to court services and put them in their corresponding lawyer’s mail slots, or send them out with the outgoing mail. Also, a few times I have had to take packages or documents for someone in court services down to the courthouse. I have really enjoyed working in the court system, both in circuit court three and in court services. As a criminal justice major I think it has been a really good experience for me. I plan on graduating in December, and am hoping to go into Federal Investigations. Another interesting aspect of the internship where I did it was that I got to work somewhat along side of a fellow criminal justice major that I have known since our freshman year. She and I have had every criminal justice class together except for P100. We both applied for the internship, but never knew we would end up in the same place, since there were quite a few options of places to work! Also, my resident assistant from freshman year also works part time in the court system, so I was kind of â€Å"reunited†with her, which was quite a coincidence, considering how big this campus is! Last page: The last page of the paper is supposed to be additional comments about our good experiences and shortcomings of the internship. My good experiences would definitely be the people that I met and worked with there. They are a wonderful group of people, from the few I already knew, my fellow CJUS major and my R.A from freshman year, to everyone that I got to know and work with there. And Mary was wonderful especially. I felt like I could talk to her about â€Å"school stuff†since she graduated from IU also, whether it be to gripe about classes or get advice about the major/future plans. I think the shortcoming I can think of would be that I ended up being an intern for circuit court three, not because I didn’t like it, just for the fact that they already had a high school intern and a floater, so there really was not much for me to do there at all. I literally would go in court three for about a half hour or so and then spend the rest of my time in court services. Honestly I wish I could have been a general intern for court services or a second intern to Mary. Court services was where I spent the majority of my time and I loved it. I also was told when I did my orientation that I would probably get to sit in on court a few times and observe. To date I have not been able to do that. I don’t know if the time hasn’t worked out for when I’ve been working, or if there just hasn’t been much I’d be able to sit in on. I remember Mary telling me that court three did have drug court, which I have heard them talk about a few times, and I would have loved to sit in on this, because the Drug Enforcement Agency is one of the Federal agencies I’m very interested in. I would have definitely liked to participate in this aspect more than I was able to. I would say this has definitely been my toughest semester. I ended up dropping a class early in the semester because I was trying to take 19 hours, including the internship, so it was really even more since I had to dedicate 10 hours a week to being there. At the beginning of the semester I thought I could handle all 19 hours and the internship, but I really felt like I didn’t have time to even sleep, let alone study, so something had to go. I was literally booked solid all week as I worked most of the day Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I had class from 8-5 and then Wednesdays I would work all day also. And while I didn’t have classes on Fridays, I worked in my hometown at the job I have been working at for the past few summers; they let me come in part time and holidays so I can make some money. It was hard to juggle school, the internship, and my family situation this semester, but I’m glad I was given the opportunity for the internship, I really do believe it was beneficial.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission
The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission The Mechanism of 2n Pollen Formatiom in Populus ? euramericana and P. ? popularis Speaker Jin-feng Zhang (Jennifer) [email protected] edu. cn Beijing Forestry University P. R. China OUTLINE 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Results and Analysis 4 Discussion 1 Introduction 1. 1 Polyploid breeding is an important part in poplar breeding ? ? Triploid white poplar trees Triploid and aneuploid hybrids in Populus trichocarpa ? P. deltoides ? Triploidy were found in the cultivar poplar clones in section Aigeiros Introduction 1. 2 Mechanisms of 2n gamete formation in plant ? ? ? ? ? Premeiotic doubling Omission of the first or second meiotic division Abnormal spindle Abnormal cytokinesis Nuclear fusion FDR ( first division restitution ) : Contains non-sister chromatids SDR ( second division restitution): Contains two sister chromatids 1 Introduction 1. 3 The objective of this study ? Poplar can produce 2n gamete naturally or b y artificial induction Elucidation of the cytological mechanisms of 2n gamete formation has been seldom in poplar.To detect and elucidate the mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in diploid poplar Results from this research may offer a more effective method for polyploid breeding in poplar in section Aigeiros. ? ? ? 2 Materials and Methods 2. 1 Plant materials ? Populus ? euramericana Four male : EA1, EA2, EA3 and EA4 One female: A ? P. ? popularis The offspring of (P. simonii ? (P. nigra var pyramidalis + Salix matsudana mixed pollen) ) One Male: P ? The crosses A ? EA1, A ? EA2, A ? EA3, A ? EA4, A? P 2 Materials and Methods 2. 2 Microsporogenesis observation 2. 3 Flow cytometry analyses 2. 4. Chromosome counting 2. 5. SSR analysis 3. Results and Analysis . 1 Cytological determination on 2n pollen formation 10 11 5 6 8 9 Table 1 The expected and observed rate of 2n pollen grains Sporads Code of poplar Dyad Triad Tetrad Total Expected rate of 2n pollen % Observed rate of 2n pollen % ? 2 EA1 EA2 EA3 EA4 P 539 163 689 2189 308 341 1818 682 4093 484 6629 5528 6354 1691 7308 7509 7509 7725 7973 8100 4. 96 7. 69 7. 14 36. 17 3. 15 0. 03 0. 09 10. 08 29. 41 2. 35 26. 056** ** Indicated significant difference between expected rate of 2n pollen from sporads sample and the observed rate of 2n pollen from pollen sample at P< 0. 01. The percentage were converted to arcsine data before ? 2 test. . Results and Analysis 3. 2. Detection of polyploid offspring of 2n pollen Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 65# Triploid 65# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 73# Triploid 73# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 Diploid 61# 61#+ 61# Diploid 75# 75# Tetraploid Tetraploid 75# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 3. Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M > + M EA4> A EA4 4x 75# 2x 2x 2x 4x 2x 2x 75# > 4x M EA4 + 75# 2x 2x 2x A M > + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# (a) Primer: 14: M > + EA4 A (b ) Primer: 41 4x 2x 2x 2x (c) Primer: 47 75# + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# M (d) Primer: 68 (e) Primer: 105 Table 2 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male Populus ? euramericana. (Dode) Guinier parent EA4 is heterozygous Code 14 41 47 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_3345-1 GCPM_3559-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA4(>) AB AB AB AB A0 B0 A(+) CDE AC B A C0 DE 75#(4x) ABCDE ABC AB AB A0C0 B0DE 421(2x) 422(2x) 423(2x) ADE AC B A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"E†band for GCPM_2453-1 may be the non specific amplification ) and ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. . Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M > P + 3x 3x 2x 2x 2x A 65# 73# M > + 3x 3x 2x P A 65# 73# 2x 2x (a) Primer: 13 M > P + A 3x 3x 2x 65# 73# 2x 2x (b) Primer: 68 (c) Primer: 105 Table 3 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male P. ? popularis parent P is haterozygous Code 14 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 4 AB BD AD AD BB AB AB locus 1 2 3 P(>) AB AB 00 A(+) CAD C C0 65#(3x) CAB AC C0 73#(3x) 321(2x) CAB BC C0 AD AC 00 322(2x) 323(2x) AD AC C0 AD AC 00These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"C†band for GCPM_24531 may be the non specific amplification) and the ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. 4. Discussion 4. 1 Mechanisms of 2n pollen formation 4. 2 The biological reason for high percentage of 2n pollen 4. 3 The formation of 2n female gametes in poplars of section Aigeiros 4. 4 Polyploidy identification using molecular markers 4. 5 Implications of polyploidy for genetic research and tree breeding
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Temperature Inversions essays
Temperature Inversions essays Large-scale temperature inversions occur in the lower atmosphere when warm air overlies cooler air. These widespread inversions are caused by a variety of factors. The four primary types of inversions are the marine inversions, regional subsidence inversions, high-pressure inversions, and radiation inversions. Marine inversions occur near the coast, mainly near the western side of continents where marine air is blown inland by prevailing winds. The ocean is cool compared to the land therefore the air right above the ocean is also cool. The prevailing winds blow this cool air toward the land. Meanwhile, the land is warm due to solar radiation. The warm air rises and circulates above the cooler air creating a temperature inversion. At night, the land cools quickly. This causes a reverse circulation where cool air moves from the land over to the water. Regional subsidence inversions are created when air flows over an obstacle such as a mountain range or blows from a high plateau and descends into a lower basin. After the air crosses the obstacle it descends and is heated by adiabatic compression. This means that the air becomes hotter as it compresses into the lower regions of the troposphere due to its own energy. This air is typically dry which causes it to warm very quickly (this is known as a dry adiabat). The air will descend until it reaches the denser, colder air found at the surface. Once there, it will spread out over the cooler air and form a temperature inversion. A high-pressure inversion can form when a stationary high-pressure system settles over a region. This is a common occurrence in the southern California coastal zone. Inside the high-pressure system, dry air slowly descends as it circulates. The subsidence causes the air to pressurize and warm. The warm air then traps the cooler coastal air and a temperature inversion is created. A radiation inversion occurs when heat is rapidly lost from the surface by ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Find the Draco Constellation
How to Find the Draco Constellation Draco is a long, winding constellation easily visible to northern hemisphere observers. Its one of those star patterns that actually does look somewhat like its name, tracing out the long body of an exotic dragon across the sky. Finding Draco Constellation Locating Draco is pretty easy in clear, dark skies. The best way is to first locate the north star Polaris, or look for the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper. They are on either side of the long body of the celestial dragon. Its head is at one end, near the constellation Hercules and its tail is up near the bowl of the Big Dipper. This chart shows Draco in relation to nearby constellations of Ursa MInor (the Little Dipper) and Hercules. Click to enlarge. Carolyn Collins Petersen Draco Constellation Mythology The ancient Greeks envisioned Draco as a serpent-dragon, which they called Ladon. They placed it close in the sky to the figure of Hercules. He was their mythical hero who, among many other notable actions, killed the dragon as one of his twelve labors. Over the centuries, the Greeks spoke of Draco going after heroines, particularly the goddess Minerva, as well as his adventures as the son of the Titan Gaia. In contrast, the ancient Arabic astronomers saw this region of the sky as home to two hyenas attacking an infant camel who is part of a mother group of older camels. The Stars of Draco Constellation Draco has fourteen brighter stars that make up the body of the dragon, and many others that lie inside the official IAU-designated region for the constellation. Its brightest star is called Thuban, which was our north star at the time the ancient Egyptians were building their pyramids. In fact, the Egyptians angled certain passageways inside the pyramids to point directly at Thuban. Thuban existed in a region of the sky that they believed was a gateway to the afterlife. Therefore, if the passageway pointed there, the soul of the pharaoh would have a direct pathway to his reward. The official IAU chart showing the region of the northern hemisphere sky that contains constellation Draco. IAU/Sky Publishing. Eventually, due to the procession of Earth on its axis, Thubans position in the sky changed. Today, Polaris is our north star, but Thuban will be the pole star again in about 21,000 years. Its name is derived from the Arabic term that means snake. This chart shows how Earths north pole precesses as Earth wobbles on its axis. The result is that the pole appears to point at different stars over the course of 26,000 years. Right now it points at Polaris, but in the past (and in the future) Thuban is a target. Based on a graphic provided by Tauolunga, via Wikimedia Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 license. Thuban, also called ÃŽ ± Draconis, is a binary star system. The bright one we see is accompanied by a very faint star that orbits very close to its partner. The second-brightest star in Draco is called ÃŽ ² Draconis, with a familiar name of Rastaban. It is near the bright star ÃŽ ³ Draconis, which is also called Eltanin. Interestingly, Eltanin is actually the brightest star in Draco. Deep-Sky Objects in Constellation Draco This region of the sky has a number of faint deep-sky objects that require binoculars or a telescope to see. One of the most famous is the Cats-Eye Nebula, also known as NGC 6543. Its a planetary nebula that lies about 3,000 light-years away from us and is the remains of a sun-like star that experienced its final death throes some 1,200 years ago. Before that, it gently blew off its material in a series of pulsations that formed concentric rings around the dying star. The Cats Eye planetary nebula, as seen by Hubble Space Telescope. NASA/ESA/STScI The unusual shape of the nebula is due to the clouds of material blown away from the star by a fast stellar wind. It collides with material that was ejected earlier in the stars aging process. The cloud of material is mostly hydrogen and helium, mixed with other materials. Astronomers suspect there may have been a binary companion star involved, and interactions with it may have caused the complex structure we see in the nebula. Viewing the Cats-Eye Nebula requires a good small- to medium-sized telescope, since its actually quite dim. The nebula was discovered by William Herschel in 1786 and has been observed by many professional astronomers using both ground-based instruments, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Observers with good telescopes can also spot several galaxies in Draco, as well as galaxy clusters and colliding galaxies. Its well worth a few evenings of exploration to ramble through Draco and spot these fascinating objects.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Middle Eastern Humanities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Middle Eastern Humanities - Assignment Example Kamin Mohammadi: The novelist, journalist and news anchor was born in 1970 in Iran but moved to the UK at a tender age and specializes in the culture of Iran in her works. Mohammadi’s debut piece, The Cypress Tree: A Love Letter to Iran, depicts the author’s physical as well as emotional trip back to her motherland when she turned 27 years old. She campaigns for Iranian culture and took part in writing The Lonely Planet Guide to Iran besides giving lectures on contemporary Iran globally. The Cypress Tree: A Love Letter to Iran: This book is basically Kamin Mohammadi’s memoir, which talks on war-torn Iran which led to her family’s escape to the UK. The book depicts major themes like war and violence, Love, courage and culture. Rashid Rida: He utilized the print to disseminate information aimed at saving Damascus from the hands of absolutist Hamidian administration. Rashid was â€Å"inclined to labor in the cause of religious and social reforms†(Kedourie 126). Rashid and his friend Abduh used the print to further their Islamic law reform ideas to multitudes of students and people outside schools (Browers and Kurzman 35). Both Abu Nuwas and Adonis presented traditional Arabic poetry from within. They both employ the elements of sensibility, event, experience and poetic language in their works (Ouyang 15).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Home bound geriatric patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Home bound geriatric patients - Essay Example Homebound geriatric patients often live in senior apartment housing or sometimes, in individual housing. Their homes are sometimes in substandard conditions even if they try very hard to keep their homes clean and livable. Most geriatric patients live alone and depend on visits from family and/or medical professionals for their survival. Their physical limitations also make it difficult for them to go out and buy food for themselves, or if they do have food, they are hampered by their physical or cognitive disabilities to prepare the food. They are vulnerable because of their physical limitations which put them in further danger of injury. Their physical limitations and dependence consequently makes them frustrated and depressed. Their doctors sometimes do not see them for years because they cannot leave their homes and physicians are not anymore in the practice of making house calls. Oftentimes, when medical help is made available to them, their medical condition has already progres sed to unmanageable stages. They are then again consigned to nursing homes or sent back homeâ€â€back to the very conditions that brought about their worsening medical conditions. I chose this topic because like, the homebound elderly patients, this topic is not given enough attention by the medical community, by our government, and by our society. I chose this topic for its relevance. â€Å"World demographic changes show an increase in the elderly population worldwide†(Zini & Pietrokovsky, 2006). The increase in life span has also resulted to an increase in the number of elderly patients but still not enough medical attention and care given to them. This topic interests me because, unless attention is brought to it, this problem will worsen. The early 1990s alone presented alarming statistics for homebound elderly patients. â€Å"The growth in the number of elderly people in need of long-term care at home has been and is projected to be
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
New Business Venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
New Business Venture - Essay Example Entrepreneurship and new business launch is always associated with meeting the challenges successfully. However, in order to achieve the success in creating a new business and successfully manage it is critical that the overall idea behind the creation of the business is commercially viable and can provide the desired returns. The analysis of the factors such as PESTLE provide a critical insight into the changing nature of the external environment and how entrepreneurs can actually take advantage of such changes to materialize them into successful businesses. This paper also presented a discussion on the particular mindset and individual characteristics which are required to successfully spot the new opportunities and convert them into the new businesses. Entrepreneurship and new business launch is always associated with meeting the challenges successfully. However, in order to achieve the success in creating a new business and successfully manage it is critical that the overall idea behind the creation of the business is commercially viable and can provide the desired returns. It is always important that the new ideas should be properly addressed and developed into successful business provided they have the potential to become successful business. Idea creation is one of the key areas for the new entrepreneurs and it is critical that the idea is properly transformed successfully. However, in order to achieve this, it is critical that the overall attractiveness of the products and services which will be delivered as a result of the new ideas, timeline involved, product value and durability of the products and services to be created as a result of this should justify the introduction of a new product, service or business. (Sorensen, La ssen., & Hinson,2007). This memo will deliberate on a new business opportunity which author considers as an important and believes that can add value to the firm. However, in order to convince the management of the firm and to present the ideas in the more meaningful manner, this memo will attempt to discuss different factors which may affect the new business opportunity for the firm. Apparently, this memo will deliberate on these factors and provide an objective analysis of how these factors can actually contribute towards the successful development of the new business opportunity into a commercially viable business. Description of the product It is a important that a complete description of the product is provided in the memo. The manager must include the relevant and important characteristics of the product to convince the manager that the proposed product can actually add value to the organization. Following information can be included regarded the description of the product: â €Å"The product to be developed and subsequently marketed by the firm is based upon a software program which can add value to the firm’s existing portfolio of software products. This new software will be based upon cutting edge technology and will attempt to offer the features and attributes which are not available in the
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